
What's your child's name and why did you call them that?

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Choosing a name for your newborn is one of the most important decisions you'll have to make for them.

Whether you decide to name your child after a relative, a friend or simply follow your heart and pick a name you found well suited for your kid, we'd like to hear from you.

What is your child's name and how did you decide on it?




  1. We named our first son Damien, after Damion Hill the F1 race drive just not the same spelling .

    then we called our daughter Tara after my best friend and god mother of the kids,

    we called Joshua after Joshua James outlaw

    Katy is called Katy because we both liked the name

    Paul is called Paul after his dad

    and Ethan is a lovely name and i ask a question on yahoo answers for baby's names and me and my husband liked it so much, we picked that and the user got best answer and 10 points

    regards x Kitti x

  2. I have twin daughters, conceived in Italy (BIG surprise!!)  We knew one would definitely be a girl from the first scan, so decided to call her Sofia.  The second twin kept its legs firmly crossed for a total of 5 scans and we pretty much decided it would be a boy and we would call him Luca.  As it turned out, she lacked the necessary equipment and we found ourselves blessed with two girls.  So now we have Sofia and Lucia.

    Sofia's middle name is Jeanette (for my mum and me (middle names) and Lucia's is Patricia (for hubby's mum).

    We wanted them to have names that reflected their 'country of origin' as it were.

  3. I have 3 boys.  Our first child we called Blain.  I am Irish, my husband, born in London of Irish parents.  I wanted to call him something that was a little different and hopefully there would not be another one in the class!  He is 12 now and only met one other child called Blain so far! Plus, the name is Gaelic.  Our second son is called Conal, a Celtic name.  He turned 10 last week and has not met another Conal so far! Our third son is called Devin.  Again, of Celtic origin.  He is 3.  So there it is, we have a B, C and a D and I can categorically say, there will be not be an A or an E!!!

  4. My daughters name is Carys (car iss) Mary Mc Carthy. There is alot of meaning and thought gone into her name. My grandparents are welsh and they had 7 girls and 1 boy and my uncle had 4 girls so the welsh part was dying out so we chose a welsh name of her godmother Karen. Also my name is Karen and my husband's name is Thomas so combine the two together and you get Carys. Her name suits her to a T ( also the anagram of her name suits her " scary" lol)

  5. I have had 5 children, and did not name any of them until after they were born.  Any names held in reserve beforehand were rejected as not suiting the child!

    My children all have 'normal' names, and all were researched for their meanings.  I consider this to be important, as their name is spoken over them for the rest of their lives, and I wanted their names to be blessings, not burdens.

  6. My 19 month old son is called Arthur David William

    Arthur after King Arthur - my other half was slightly obsessed with the film "King Arthur" (starring Clive Owen, Keira Knightley, Ioan Gruffudd etc) at the time and we thought it was a nice, strong, manly sounding, classic name which reflected his British heritage - I'm Welsh and his dad is English, so he's a true child of the British Isles lol!

    David and William after his two uncles - my other half's brother is David and my brother is William.  Having two middle names is a bit of a tradition in our family.  I was also given the names of both my aunts as my middle names.

  7. My son's called Oliver James. Oliver because it suited him when he was born & James is my Dad & brothers middle name. Liked the name Finlay but it means 'fair warrior'. Although he was blond I knew as he got older his hair would turn darker the same as his Dad's did so that ruled that one out.

    My daughters name is Freya Louise. Freya's a delicate sounding name and she's a petite little thing & Louise is my middle name. As it turns out, Freya was the Norse Goddess of love & war (and where the word Friday comes from 'Freya's day') and it definately suits her. One minute she's telling me she loves me & the next stamping her feet in a temper. Don't you just love 4 year olds!

  8. Joel.....when i was pregnant with him I worked as a care assistant with the elderley. One woman I looked after was like my friend, I could have sat in her house talkin to her for hours, she was 96 and had 8 children, she was the wisest woman. Anyway, I was havin problems with my bf and she said to me , 'Dont worry, it will all work out, God is good'...a few days later I opened my baby name book and the page was open on the name Joel and I read the meaning of Joel to be 'Jehova is good' and I took it to be a sign that that shoulkd be my sons name. When I read it properly a few weeks later it actually said, 'Jehova is god' But it didnt matter, I knew either way that was supposed to be my babys name.

    My lil girl is called Sophie, it means Wise one. I think names are very important and I would never call my baby Apple or Skyor something equally ridiculous...the name tells you something important about the person, choose it well!

  9. I am called Natasha Eileen, the Eileen is from my Mum who is called Eileen. But when my Mum and Dad thought about my name, the discovered that my initials were NEW.

    My brother is called Kieron Owen Nathaniel David.

    Owen after my grandfather, Nathaniel because my Mum thought of it, and the rest other people thought of.

    If I have a child I am going to call them Teyla, Sofia, and if there any boys I am gonna call them Horatio.

    Teyla is from my favourite TV show, and Sofia because I like it. Horatio is from another TV show. But if I want another child I will call them Joan, after my Nan, but call her Joany.

  10. I called my son Brodie Thomas-Lee

    It took me 2 days to pick a girls name i like and 7 months to pick a boys name, i actually couldnt find one that i liked and was a bit different, i was watching a programme called The OC and seen one of the main actors was called Adam Brody, so i imporovised it a little.  Thomas is after my grandad who passed away when i was 7, and Lee after my big brother who passed away when he was 11 hours old.

    I also had the name Tegyn-Lee Georgetta if i had a girl, again Lee after my brother and Georgetta after my nanny.


  11. My son is Adam Francis - we picked his middle name first, because my husband has connections with the Franciscans, but took ages finding a first name that we both liked. For ages we were going to call him Stephen, but then I had a scan when I was about 39 weeks pg, and came out saying "I still don't know whether I'm having a boy or a girl, but that's not a Stephen, that's an Adam." No idea where I got that idea from, but it stuck and it fits him perfectly - and it's the sort of name we like - it's not that common, but it's an instantly recognisable name - and we like that it's Biblical.

    Our daughter is Ruth Sarah - I've always wanted a daughter called Ruth - there are a number of Ruth's I've known who have been very important to me in one way or another, and again, it's not that common as a name, but it's recognisable. And we picked Sarah as a middle name, partly because my MIL was very fond of her Aunt Sarah, but she died before I could meet her. Again, they're both Biblical names - and their stories are those of strong women who knew their own minds. (And that fits oh-so-well!)

  12. Jonathan Charles, after my father and father in law.

    Matthew Anthony, We didn't have a boys name, as I was convinced it was going to be a girl, but when he was born the doctor said 'absolutely bootiful, Matthews turkey roast' ( from the Bernard Matthews advert). So he was named after a turkey advert. My mum chose Anthony.

    Daniel James, We had decided on James Daniel, but my husband changed them around when he went to register the birth. As he thought they sounded better that way around.

    Antonia Rebekah Jane.(Twin 1 )We adopted twins and the name she had been given by the birth parents was Toni, so we decided to give her the full name. She chose Rebekah and Jane is after my sister.

    Kimberlee Elizabeth Anne.( twin 2) Kim was the name given by the birth parents so we used the full name. She chose Elizabeth and Anne is after my other sister.

  13. I dont have a child yet but if i have a girl her name will be Breyana Claire....Breyana as it is unusual, plus i changed the spelling from Brianna, Claire after my partners older sister who died of a brain tumour when she was 9.  If i have a boy, i am not decided on the first name yet but his middle name would be either Edward after my stepdad who died 8 years ago, or James after my bio father (his middle name) after i met him when i was 18.

  14. I was married to a Frenchman and living in France when I had my two children. We called our son Julien, a good old-fashioned French name and then chose Eloise for our daughter. She was named after the 11th century Heloise, a nobleman's daughter who was a scholar of Pierre Abelard. They fell in love with each other, but could never marry - he became a monk, she became a nun and their paths continued to cross throughout their lives and they ended up being buried together. It was such a beautiful - if sad! - real-life story, Heloise et Abelard, and I thought Eloise sounded a lovely soft name that just rolls off the tongue. Unfortunately, my daughter's friends tend to shorten it to Elly which I don't like - her fiance calls her Wee El which is sweet. But I still love the name and don't regret having called her Eloise.

  15. The name we chose was done by four sheets of paper two for girls two for boys, and one of each between myself and my other half.

    We wrote down the names for boys & girls we liked. Those that matched went on to another sheet of paper.

    They were put away until our son was born. We then took the sheet with boys names, and narrowed it down to one we liked the best.


    Meaning most favoured son (we only found this out about 2 years ago, he is 7 now), and also bene - from ancient Latin, I think, meaning peaceful and good.

    So unknowingly it suits his manner and personality.

  16. I'm not a parent, but my firstborn son will be Milo.

    It is the name of a character in a story a dear friend wrote, and the second I saw it I knew it was a lovely name and I would name a son of mine after it.

    My firstborn daughter will be called Starla.

    I saw it in a film once (Slither, the very bad 'horror-comedy' of all things. The poor child will not be traumatised with this knowledge of where her name comes from) But it just struck me because it is beautiful and so different to anything I have very heard before.

    My next son would be called Caspian, after the Narnia prince, because it is fantastic.

    My next daughter would be called either Blue or Robyn.

    I prefer names that are out of the ordinary but are still nice. It's no fun having the same name as five of your classmates. Being conventional isn't really my thing.

  17. My first born is called Zack because that was the only boys name I liked! His middle name is George after my husbands grandad and also St George!

    My second son is called Kai - he was going to be Jake all the way through my pregnancy, then I heard someone at work mention their relative called Kai and I loved it! His middle name is Ethan - just another name I liked!

    My third son is called Reggie. He is named after my dad who sadly passed away when I was pregnant. My dad was called Reginald, but I though Reggie was a more child friendly name! His middle name is Christopher after my husbands dad!

  18. My son't name is Henry Paul, the Henry is my Grandfather's and my husband's Grandfather's middle name, it has a long family history to us, and Paul is my husband's beloved Uncle's name as well as his grandfather's first name.  

    My daughter is Molly Rose, Molly is another old family name in my family and my husband and i are passionate gardeners and nature lovers so the Rose represents that.

  19. I'll tell you about my siblings names. My Older sister Heidi Anne....Mom is a big fan of the name Heidi, and has been ever since she was little. Anne comes from wnating that name but not for a first name and Heidi Anne fits together perfectly. My Older brother's name is Timothy James. My mom was amways a fan of the book of timothy in the Bible and james was a good follow up for a middle name for a boy. Now my name, Holly Danielle. I love my name yet It's wierd being the youngest and when I asked Mom where my name came from she had no idea it popped into her head one day...The previous plan was to name me Danielle but that day when Holly came to her she said she knew it would fit me perfectly.

  20. I have two boys ages 4 & 2.

    My 4 year old, I named Connor Nolan. I wanted a traditional Irish name for him seeing as that is a large part of my heritage & it made my Grandmother very happy.

    My 2 year old I named Jhonen Caleb. I named him after Jhonen Vasquez the comic book writer who wrote "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac",  "Squee" & the cartoon "Invader Zim" his middle name Caleb was just trying to stay with the traditional Irish name.

  21. kid 1 = Abigail Rebecca Rose =  Abigail was only girls name i liked,  Rebecca After my Cousin and Rose after Nan. (goes back generations)

    Kid 2 = Benjamin Terence Herbert = Benjamin as i loved this name, Terence after my mums brother who died in army in Kuala Lumpar and Herbert after my great uncle

    Kid 3 =  Alex Stephen Victor, = Alex not sure why Stephen after his father and Victor after my favorite Uncle,

    Kid 4 = Leigh Colin Lloyd =  Leigh was because i wanted Amelia 4 a girl so it got changed to Leigh,  and other 2 names his doppy father named him after dart player. (idiot)

  22. Our first child is Joshua Luke, Joshua as it means 'the lord is salvation' and Luke was the gospel that year.

    Our second child Imogen Amy Alexandra, Imogen because its not a name you hear everyday and i love it, Amy as this was the name of our sons friend who he adored at the time and i wanted him to have an input, and Alexander is my husbands confirmation name so Alexandra is the female version.

    Our third child Grace Isobel Johanna, Grace as i love the hymmn 'amazing grace', Isobel as this was my nan's name, and Johanna is my husbands mothers name and its a nice spin on Joanna, using the sound of the 'h' in the middle.

  23. I was 16 when i got pregnant and i had the hardest time finding a name, i didn't want to name her after anyone i knew i thought that she should have her own name. I was looking threw the baby books and found the name Hallie(it means unexpected gift) and it just seemed like the perfect fit for her, and the meaning was all too true she was very unexpected. her middle name is Shae which means blessing. She is my little Unexpected gift that turned out to be one of the greatest blessings of my life, the meaning of her name is exactly how i feel about her. I couldn't think about my life with out my little Hallie Shae

  24. My eldest daughter is Sara-Louise (not Sarah, and lots of people call her that and it drives her mad) we chose this as it is a version of my mothers name (Sadie) and Louise after my sister.  Daniel John Andrew- hubby picked Daniel John after my father and Andrew after hubby. I had a little girl that I lost at birth and we named her Amber-Leigh Hope, we chose Amber as she would always be a light in our life, Leigh we just liked and Hope because we would have Hope forever.  Our last child we named Aiden, this was after my Nan, who was Adeline shortened to Ada, we chose the en spelling at the end to resemble my name -Denise and we already had a Dan, and his middle name is Richard after his paternal Grandfather.

    All of my children suit their names, although I wish I had given Dan something a little more unusual.

  25. My 3-year-old son is called Nathan Miles. We called him that because we liked the name, it suited him and also in memory of my Dad - he was called Miles.

    My twins are five days old and are named Eleanor Mae and Joshua Thomas. We didn't want to choose names which didn't fit with Nathan Miles because it is quite a modern name. My fiance had a sister called Eleanor who died when she was very young and she wanted to call our daughter after her. The middle name 'Mae' just went with it and sounded lovely, so we chose that. Joshua Thomas was chosen just because we liked the names and couldn't choose which one to have as the first name, so chose Joshua followed by Thomas as we thought it sounded better.

    In the end, no matter what reason we chose them for I love the names of our children. They fit them perfectly and sound nice to us so we're very happy with them!

  26. Kirsty-Marie and Bianca-rose,

    At the time went through loads of names writing each one out with our surname to see what they looked like.  I really wanted Leah my fave song (Roy Orbison) hubby hated it so we decided on Kirsty we met a little girl on our honeymoon called Kirsty and  because at the time it was very unusual for our area and we loved it, and Marie because i wanted Margaret after my gran but hubby did not like it so Marie was a compromise, Bianca was named by Kirsty, her fav film was 'rescuers' and Bianca was the little mouse, Rose after my great grandmother and hubby's best friends wife, who is godparent.

  27. I have 3 children we tried to pick slightly "dfferent" first names for the UK and more traditional biblical names as middle names. After the first 2 I decided I wated first names that also doubled as roman numerals to create a lucky number tatoo!

    1. Caleb Thomas - Caleb as my partner was reading Middlemarch and liked the name of that character we then also found out the meaning was believer and liked it even more, Thomas was my grandfathers name. He will have a split personality though :-) as a believer doubter!

    2. Isla Elizabeth - Isla as we both just loved the name and thought it was pretty, Elizabeth as sounded good with first name and was traditional.

    3. Ike Samuel - Had a real row over this one as I was dead against Ike at first but as time went on began to be persuaded, now am really happy chose it as suits him, I like the meaning "laughter" too.

  28. My name is Joscelyn..i am called Joscelyn as my mother was a teacher that didnt want a name that could be assosiated with any other pupil that she had taught.  it is a Germanic spelling apparently and i can never find this way of spelling it anywhere.

    When i have my children i would like them to have original names (but not crazy) but with a family middle name...i thinks its important to keep hold of a litlle bit of ancestry.

  29. Chloe Elizabeth.....It is in the Bible and it begins with C like her dads name does. Elizabeth is my ex husbands mums name. (who has since died)

    Rebekah Mae.......Rebekah is in the Bible also and to find a suitable middle name that me and my ex hubby liked Mae was one we agreed on. Mae, is after Tina Turners real middle name....Anna MAE Bullock and Vanessa MAE the violinist.

    My partners childrens names are.................

    Georgia Mary...................Georgia was picked by my partners ex wife. Mary is after her my partners ex wifes mum who died.

    Regan Alex.............Regan is a name my partner picked for his daughter as he liked Jack Regan in the Sweeny. Alex is a name he liked also.

    If we have children together and we have a boy he has picked Phoenix Lee as it is unusual and Lee is a short suitable middle name.

    If we have a girl I have picked Dakota Rose. Dakota is a song by Stereophonics that we love "our song". Rose is a suitable short middle name we both like.

  30. Noela Jade(Gaelic origin-first name) after my husbands Irish grandad Noel.

    Brendan Reece (also Gaelic origin-first name) loved the name, picked it when pregnant with our daughter actually.

    15 weeks 3 days with #3, and If it's a girl we'll be naming her Cordelia Grace (Gaelic origin-first name again), my husband loves the name, and I like that it's a strong nice name that is virtually 100% unused in the U.S since 1940. After that, it nearly dropped off the map. Superstitious people beleive it's an unlucky name because it was used in Shaekspear's King Lear...and the girl was killed. I am not that superstitious and love the name. It's one of 2 that we liked a lot that would keep all the kids with Gaelic origin names. If it is a boy this time ( urine test says girl...ultrasound on the 22th to find out for sure), then we haven't made a final pick. We like Cordell...but aren't sure if we'd go with that.

  31. I named my 1st daughter jade louise saw the name jade as the title of a book passionate jade and Louise just seemed to go with it.  2nd daughter is named Laura-jay as my husband liked the names and he said he didnt know anyone called laura.little did he know that as soon as people asked her name nearly everyone had a child with that name as it was very common in scotland in the 80's.  I wanted to call her Indigo but he didnt like it and he didnt get a say in jades name so I let him pick laura's name.  On Nicole kidmans daughters name it is not that unusual My cousin is called Sunday and so is my sister in law.  I was nearly called tuesday after an actress as my mum liked it but I got heather instead

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