
What's your choice of lager when you watch footy matches on Telly?

by Guest55948  |  earlier

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Mine is Stella!




  1. Depends on the time of day (of the match) and how drunk I can get away with Light for a light day (if I need to meet the parents later), and Carlsberg or Stella (sometimes Boddy's) for the days where I can drink, be merry and otherwise act like an idiot with the United crew.

    God, I'm excited for the season to start!

  2. Whatever Eric, I think your beverage of choice is warm milk supplemented with some cookies.

    Heinken for me, or Becks.

  3. Yr avartar sucks! R u a g*y?

  4. fosters or bud!

  5. my choice is Becks, whatever I'm doing......

  6. Any alcohol thats going :)

  7. I am not fussy, anything wet will normally do.

  8. Tennants - it's the best lager!!

  9. I enjoy wife beater too (do they call Stella 'wife beater' round your way Queenster?). Generally though I quite like taking horse tranqualisers such as Ketamine when I'm watching a tense game like an Old Firm, or Yeovil play Barnet.

    It makes your body go all stiff and friends have to carry you down the street like its an Iranian funeral afterwards, the girls think it's charming in my village and really enjoy a young man wound down on Special romantic!

    My poo sings in Welsh.

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