
What's your dancer-remedy for sore muscles?

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Mine is bananas. The potassium loosens and numbs the muscles like oil on a machine. You guys?




  1. have a nice hot bubble bath and then go and jump into bed thats mine! =)

  2. Rest, drink water, heat , massage stretch, and dance again tomorrow

  3. really,for some reason i didnt know that. and i dont have a dancer muscles are so sore right now from dancing.

  4. Some daily stretching, and icyhot packs help a lot, especially with pulled muscles too.

  5. Tylonel and a foot massager.

  6. Aleve and heat for muscle pain - ice for joint pain.  Just a note... physiologically, potassium does nothing for muscles except help transmit nerve impulses - so I suspect any benefit you claim from potassium is from the placebo effect - BUT if it works for you thats a good thing.  Muscles are actually activated by the flow of calcium ions, so keeping up your diet with enough calcium is very important.

  7. Hot bath with epsom salts, drink plenty of water, arnica oil, sometimes bananas (if I have 'em handy), a good night's sleep.  

    Also gentle stretching/movements... nothing vigorous, just to gently increase circulation to help muscles repair & rid themselves of metabolic waste.

  8. lots and lots of water to replenish the muscle and stretch to loosen them back up. sometimes i took a hot bath, but its only a temporary relief:(

  9. arnica. you put it on your muscles. then stretch and take a bath. and eat ice cream

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