
What's your deepest darkest secret?

by  |  earlier

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The one you wouldn't tell family or even most of your friends, but don't mind that strangers on the internet know.

Mine is that I got married when I was 20 in Reno, NV, and divorced 6 months later.

I also have had s*x for money to pay my rent.

What's yours????




  1. my deepest darkest secret issssss that the day i move out im gonna visit the love of my life and force him to marry me whether he likes it or not =D

    i just need to work up the guts to do so... lol

  2. if i tell it wouldn't be a secret any more right ????????????????????????????????????????...

  3. I met my husband on the internet.  My family thinks we met at a party thrown by a mutual friend.  They would be horrified if they knew the truth.

    Oh, and Elvis is alive and living in my basement.  Tupac visits occasionally.  They're great friends.  ;-)

  4. I would tell you over the phone, and maybe through an email, but not on here. LOL

  5. I am a Male l***o. Whew, that feels good to get that out.

  6. had a dog l**k peanut butter off my junk when i was 13.

  7. I sugared the policeman's personal car gas tank when I was younger and set 2000 live crickets loose in his house through a window.  I think I may still get arrested for that if I told anyone around these parts, as he is the Chief of police now.

  8. well i think that mine is that i am in love with my brother in law

  9. wen i wz a younger i put my cat in the toilet den put it in the bin

  10. Can't say on here

  11. I was married for 7 months and decided that it just wasn't right for me...We had plenty of issues, but his family is very Catholic.  The only way he would divorce me was if I either cheated on him or some other Catholic "violation".  I told him that I never wanted to have children.  Which was a lie, but I knew it was an "easy out".  He filed for divorce within the month.  I'm not proud of it, but feels good to get it off my chest.

  12. It wouldn't be a deep dark secret if I told anyone now would it?

  13. well my secret is...... im not goin to tell u bc it wouldnt be one then unlike Number Ones secret haha something r ment to be a secret!

  14. I'll tell if you give me a dollar.

  15. i fell in love with my best friend since 2003.... and still now.. i'm still good friends with him.. .and i still love him... even though he has a gf.. . i do know where i stand... and i do go on dates etc... but i just feel that i can't find that happiness that i find when i'm hanging out with him.

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