
What's your definition of Poor, Middle Class, and Rich?

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What's your definition of Poor, Middle Class, and Rich? What factors define a person's the class level? What class level do you think you belong?




  1. well lets start with the middle class.  This would be the people that have their bills paid on time on a monthly basis.  Not a whole lot of extra money but they provide their basic needs and generally have a bit left over.  

    Poor - Can't provide their basic needs for themselves and their families.  Need government support.

    Rich - The price tag is not a factor to you.

    Me I'd be middleclass.  I'm nowhere near rich but I get by with the bills paid every month and can afford those few extras.

  2. I define class based on choice available.  Therefore, poor people do not have much of a choice as to where they live, where they send their kids to school, which brand of clothes, what kind of car (if any at all) they drive.  Their lifestyle is dictated by what they can afford.  Middle class people can choose (to some degree) all the things I listed poor people can't, but they must choose among certain things.  For example, they can choose whether to send their kid to a private college or whether to have a vacation in a foreign country, but they can't have both.  Their lifestyle is constrained, but not controlled, by what they can afford.  Rich people face few, if any, limitations.  They can send their kid to the most expensive school in the nation AND take a world tour vacation.

    Right now, I can't really say I have a class, because I'm a student so I'm slightly different.  I grew up in the middle class, but the career I am studying for would make me upper middle class or rich, depending on how well I do.

  3. Forget the middle class they are an almost extinct  . Do to the milking of the wealth of the middle class by the rich . For they threatened the power of the rich so they had to destroy it .

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