
What's your definition of pride???

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This is more inspiring than anything I've seen or read about in this Olympic games. I am truly in awe of these two athletes. I hope it inspires you as well.




  1. The Battle of Marathon

    The Athenian Army was outnumbered 4 to 1 but they launched a suprise offensive thrust which at the time appeared suicidal. But by day's end, 6400 Persian bodies lay dead on the field while only 192 Athenians had been killed. The surviving Persians fled to sea and headed south to Athens where they hoped to attack the city before the Greek Army could re-assemble there.

    Phidippides was again called upon to run to Athens (26 miles away) to carry the news of the victory and the warning about the approaching Persian ships. Despite his fatigue after his recent run to Sparta and back and having fought all morning in heavy armor, Phidippides rose to the challenge. Pushing himself past normal limits of human endurance, the reached Athens in perhaps 3 hours, deliverd his message and then died shortly thereafter from exhaustion.

    Sparta and the other Greek polies eventually came to the aid of Athens and eventually they were able to turn back the Persian attempt to conquer Greece.

  2. I have pride I dont need someone to show me it.

  3. What I love about the Olympics is that the winners don't always get hang a gold around their neck but competing for their country makes them feel like they have.

  4. Lots of lions. Only joking.

    It changes from person to person and day to day. And a strange thing to ask as it has recently changed. I have a 6 year old son and watching him grow into a person is scary. The other day, a person came round my house and was polite etc., and then left. When they left, he looked at me and screwed his nose up. He did it in an apologetic way-as if to ask permission to not like the person, even though they didn't do anything wrong.

    This made me proud. He recognised a bad person without anyone saying anything bad to him, or any reason not to like them. I'd like to think that it was partly to do with his upbringing, but either way, this will stand him in good stead for life.

    Higher, faster, further (?) might be pride for some people. A clever son is mine.

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