
What's your emotion right now and why?

by Guest45234  |  earlier

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What's your emotion right now and why?




  1. Melancholy. I am here over in Kuwait and I kind of miss my family and my boyfriend

  2. i don't know

  3. sad. my mom and i had a huge fight.  

  4. P*ssed.  My father is a complete over-emotional moron.

  5. Nervous ...I will be speaking to the Dr. tomorrow to see if I have ADHD and I'm 30 yrs old.URGH!  

  6. Apathetic...I probably will have a boring future, currently have only a few bad friends, and haven't done my summer school projects; however, in the end I don't care.  

  7. One of concern, because tomorrow I will see the doctor to find out if I just had a mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack).

  8. Happy, because i get to finally RELAX.

    AND you?

  9. Depressed.....I am thinking too much about the future.

  10. content. I just found out I don't have to get up at 4 tomorrow morning for work! I can sleep in!!!  

  11. Concerned... I think I need to reinstall Windows.

  12. I'm ticked off because I'm at work and don't want to be here

  13. Depressed. I am watching the Olympics where everyone has so much hope and promise, while I have none.

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