
What's your favorite Day of the year?

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What's your favorite Day of the year?




  1. Christmas Eve

  2. Thanksgiving Day. For me, it is a day to celebrate with your family, and it is the official start of one of my favorite seasons, the holiday season. The holiday season always manages to bring some joy into my life.

  3. Thanksgiving Day is my favorite because it is about family and friends, not gifts and who can out do each other for the best gift and everyone goes into debt for one day. It is about watching the Mac's parade on TV while cooking and waiting for family and friends to come. Unfortunately, with families living far away from each other now adays and families fighting over nothing and the extordinary about of families breaking up, no holiday seems the same anymore. But Thanksgiving is just for giving thanks and nothing else.

  4. I would have to say Thanksgiving because I love the cool crisp weather. The smell of homemade apple, pumpkin and sweet potato pies. The sound of kids running around and playing while the adults prepare the thanksgiving meal in the kitchen just drinking wine and enjoying each other. The immediate warmth in a cold room as everyone sits together to enjoy such a wonderful meal.

  5. Christmas, Thanksgiving, any day during the Christmas season. Really I like almost all days as long as I'm happy and healthy.  =)

  6. Sure it is the Chinese New Year Day and in S'pore 2 days.  The New Year is celebrated by all races in Singapore and the happy mood is everywhere in the country.  It is really joy to the world.

  7. THURSDAY because it's my birthday! December 25

  8. The first day of Summer.  

  9. Christmas  

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