
What's your favorite McDonalds food?

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mine is the double quarter pounder with cheese meal




  1. Fries Shake And A Mcgreadole !

  2. My is the traditional BigMc,i love it!

  3. Yours sounds good.  My favorite food from McDonald's is the Double Cheeseburger and McFries.  I don't cook beef at home, so getting a burger from McDonald's is a real treat for me.

  4. the Big mac meal. have a good day

  5. Ranch snack wrap and a diet Dr Pepper.

  6. The filet o fish meal is delicious, even better is the double fish.

    I also enjoy other meals at McDonalds,

    Chicken sandwich meal, chicken nugget meal, and also a quarter pounder with cheese meal.

    For breakfast first would be the egg mcmuffin meal, then the big breakfast, then pancakes

  7. a double cheeseburger on the dollar menu

  8. fish sandwich , yummm

  9. I'm just mad about McRibs!

  10. The crispy ranch snack wrap meal! YUUUUM!!

  11. Mine is the fish sandwich

  12. oh yup, me too, the  dbl quarter pounder meal :)

  13. double cheeseburger

  14. The good ol' Big Mac meal with an orange drink!

  15. the chicken nuggets

  16. snack wraps mmm gotta have crispy though .. and chicken nuggets and they have the best fries and shakes mmm... Yummy oh yeah and the classic crispy chicken sandwich with no tomato

  17. fish and cheese meal!

  18. Bacon Egg and Cheese McGriddle

    McDonald Fries

    Mc Nuggets with Sweet and Sour Sauce

  19. i like the big n' taste

    they should bring back the mcrib

  20. Double quarter pounder meal upgraded to large with Coke

  21. mine is, a number 11 chicken nugget meal, a number 12 a fish meal. or a number 2 with two cheeseburgers.

  22. I really like the chicken selects.

    And oddly enough, their salads are really good.

  23. filet o fish stuffed with fries..haha. de-lish. =)

  24. Sausage, Egg, & Cheese McGriddles w/Orange Juice. I wish it was served 24/7!

  25. big mac sandwich, chicken nuggets and a fish filet,  caramel sunday i just love mac donalds.

  26. double quarter pounder with cheese meal

  27. Chicken McNuggets or McFlurry, love them both

  28. the fish meal

    but i also lose the dollar menu

    i usually get large fries

    2 double cheeseburgers no pickles no onion and no mustard and add mayo

    a medium dr.pepper no ice


  29. Big Mac, no lettuce, extra onions and pickles. Yum. :)

  30. Take 5 McFlurrie and six-piece chicken mcnuggets

  31. double qp with mayo and onion only

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