
What's your favorite Michael Waltrip commercial?

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Choice #1- The crazy fan with his 'customized' diecast.

Choice #2- The Aaron's commercials with DW.

Choice #3- The commercial with the cockatoo.




  1. 1 by far.

  2. I really like the hilarious fan male commercials he did. I wish he would do another one. But, all his commercials are pretty comical. His facial expressions are priceless.

  3. I love them all and can't pick just one. I sure wish Michael could do better for the great sponsor he has.

  4. the stalker one-want a hat

  5. i like #1's and 3, but i like these better:

    - any of the napa "fan mail" ones (especially the one answer, "and no, chris from wherever, as far as i know my head has always been located where it is now, on top of my shoulders, but thanks for asking.")

    - the crazy "stalker" fan ("would you like a hat?")

  6. #3 the cockatoo..especially when  he says gas pedal on the right and  55 is car number not the speed limit, almost fell out at that one..loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The fan mail ones are my favorite.  They're funny, and they showed how Mikey can turn something negative into something positive.  

    The cockatoo is a close second.  That one was hilarious.

  8. The guy with the 'customized' die casts. that one is good.

    I also like the "Obsessed" fan. "Would you like a hat?"

  9. One that I dont think anyone really remembers.  Its a Napa commercial with Mike and DJ.  It was right after DJ had become part of MWR.  It shows Mike and DJ walking through a giant Napa warehouse and DJ asks how the Napa people knoe so much?  So then Mike goes into this big schpeel about how all the employees of Napa have a microchip implanted in their head that links them to the Napa computers.  The look on DJ's face is priceless.  Or possibly the Napa commercial with the customized diecasts.  The california car made me almost pee myself from laughing.

  10. I love the #4's the best, the Napa fan mail. Just him being able to poke fun at himself speaks millions about his personality, and he must really be a great guy to be around.

  11. #1 I love the look on Mikeys face with the guy that comes in with the diecast, that Bristol car..that was priceless.. #3 would be a close second, love that cockatoo..yeah 55 is your number not the speed limit..

    Theres also one you did not mention, the one with DJ and Mikey and they open the door theres Sammy Hagar singing his old can't drive 55 song.. One thing for sure Mikey is great at commercials,, Aarons and Napa are laughing all the way to the Bank...

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  12. number 3 what the FREAK micheal the gas is on the right

  13. "it's called the draft Michael, look it up" I love that bird! #3

  14. #3.  That bird is hilarious.  Michael's reactions priceless.

    They've definitely had some of the best NASCAR commercials...the one where the fan brings in the Bristol diecast car that's in a million pieces is one of my faves also.

    Hmm, not sure I've seen the "stalker fan" that everyone's talking about...?

  15. It's a toss up between #2 and #5 but the fan letters are hillarious too.

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