
What's your favorite South Park quote?

by Guest32899  |  earlier

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  1. Respect my authority by Cartman - my hero.

  2. you b*****d you killed kenny

  3. A couple from Chef...

    "Da*n, woman, I just made sweet love to you five minutes ago!"

    "Did the visitors put a big metal hoobajoob in your butt?"

    Three from Cartman:

    "I'm not fat, I'm big boned."

    "s***w you guys--I'm going home!"

    "Kyle, do you have a little sand in your v****a?"

    One from Mrs. Garrison...

    "Oh yeah! Scissor me timbers!"

  4. From the very first one:

    "Your birthday is on Christmas?!?! That sucks, dude!!"

  5. "My mom says that when you rub the firemans helmet, and he spits on your face"

  6. "Oh my god you kill kenney you b*****d"

    That one is my favorite quote.

  7. "If my p***s likes it."




  8. "i'm outrageous and out of control! it's my hot body,i do what i want! yeh i have unprotected!I roll with five gangs!it's ma hot body,I do what !!"

    "I hate hippies! I mean, the way they always talk about protecting the earth' and then drive around in cars that get poor gas mileage and wear those stupid bracelets… I hate 'em!"


                                                                                     -Eric Cartman

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