
What's your favorite annoyance when taking kids to an amusement park?

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Mine is taking my two stepsons there and all they want to do is go spend even MORE money at the arcade.

ARRRRGH! I spent $100 so they could go spend another $50 at the arcades.....*sigh*

I hope they grow out of that soon.....




  1. Mine is anything that spins, has bright lights, blaring music, and screams coming from it.  Yeah...roller coasters...blegh!

  2. The annoying music and sounds, can't they use better stuff than that?

  3. dam mickey ears when they have a god zillion of them at home....................

    ballons that cost way to much and then to stuff a  nemo ballon in a car along with two mickey ballons  not alot of fun.

    when they say they want to eat something an take two bites an oh we dont want this no more we want a burger.......

    you cant go on rides you want if they are too small

    they want to spend the day in the stupid stores..........  an buy things then think i am going to hold it

  4. Why not just take them straight to an Arcade? :P

    I hate it when the little ones whine about how much they wanna go to the Zoo, or to the park, or wherever, and as SOON as we drive our happy tails down there, they are bored, or hungry, or sleepy... or whatever. Grr. Kids WILL be kids eh? :)

  5. mine is making me go on rides

  6. that they always want to do what they want

  7. my favorite is waiting a half hour to hug and take pictures with all the characters. i love it but hate the wait

  8. they complain..... :(

  9. Why they always have more fun then me!

  10. whining younger brother or sister complaing there feet hurt in less then an hour and want to get on the big rides all the time then they want everything in plan ole sight

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