
What's your favorite branch of the US military?

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Mine is the marine corps, they're hardcore. What's your favorite branch and why?




  1. Army.  

    Because they are hardcore and they actually accomplish 95% of the things that the Marine Corps takes credit for.

    But I like the Navy and the Air Force too.

  2. Navy.

    I did 20 years on subs. Very high tech, working on stuff that nobody else does, lots of high security clearances, but it was fun. Sneaking around.

    I made a lot of money. I should have saved more of it though. Had I really focused, I could have saved away $50k each year.

    I liked the $65k signing bonuses, though now it is $90k.

    The tax-free status is great! All but my first 2 years were tax-free. No income taxes from then until I retired after 20 years.

    I finished my B.S. degree and got my M.A. degree while I was on Active Duty.

    I would do it again.

  3. T of S compliance:

    1.) Marine Corps (CAPITAL M & C) --

    why? They do a little of EVERY thing VERY well!

    2.) Air Force --  

    why? Best Tech

    Did both.  I have family members in all Services.

    4th generation Military!

    Crazy T --- thanks, buddy!  You're Lack of Etiquette shows like your LOWERED zipper!

    Submariners have my admiration - I hate flying in tight quarters so being in a TIN can under pressure is not for me!

  4. air force since i was a dependent for over twenty years.

    we had someone in every branch in our family.

  5. AIR FORCE!  Army and Marines are STUPID!

  6. I Thank God for them all protecting all of us

  7. All are great however I am partial to the Marine Corps

  8. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy, and the rope from the Army

    On the seventh day while God rested, we overran his perimeter, stole the globe, and we’ve been running the whole show ever since.

    We live like soldiers, talk like sailors, and slap the h**l out of both of them.

    Warriors by day, lovers by night, professionals by choice, and Marines by the grace of God.

  9. i love every one of them. But i am a navy brat/ wife so GO NAVY for me

  10. Army, but I'm probably biased having spent so much time in it.  

  11. navy. there are boats, planes and port. now if we could have naval astronauts it would be perfect.  

  12. All - but I'm partial to the Coast Guard.  We all have a role to play in every conflict, and although conflicts might be won without one or more branches, there would be a LOT more casualties, so we need them all to be as efficient as possible.

    Psssst: Italian Idol - there ARE naval astronauts.  There are astronauts from all five services.

  13. All of them. Anyone who enlists and goes through what you have to go through, from basic training to being deployed to one of the most dangerous places on the planet to fight people who WANT to die deserve as much respect and gratitude as my little soul can muster.

    I don't believe in god, but I believe in soldiers and sailors.

  14. Halliburton!  

  15. All of them, we Protect and Defend the same Constitution, the same Flag Flies over our Heads, is draped over our Casket... we Serve, and we Serve Together.

    That being said, and meant... I'm a tad biased to the Corps.

  16. marines, because im considering being a marine officer in a few years or just enlisted.

    but they all work together to do the same thing for our country. god bless them all.

    OOH RAH!

  17. Marines mainly because my brother is one and they are better prepared because they have a longer boot camp and training and also there were less deaths in marines then any other branch. but i thank all of the military for protecting this country and laying their lives on the line so i can be free so thanks to every branch for making my life just a little bit better it takes a brave, courageous person to join so thanks to all the armed forces

  18. Marine Corps all the way.

    They are the best trained and most efficient fighting force on the planet. They are the more disciplined and each marine is there to defend all the other marines, they are the least self oriented fighting force. You won't find a marine corps officer in an air conditioned trailer like you will in other branches.  

  19. I work in law enforcement, and those who come from the marines tend to have have a better head on their shoulders. Although, those from the Army know how to work as a team. I don't know anyone from the Air Force, so I don't have an opinion there. But, I married a Navy man. I like them all.  

  20. US Navy-they have Aircraft carriers, f18s, had f14s (my fave aircraft) and the best movie eva, Top Gun.

    Airforce also good, as they have the f22 Raptor.

  21. AIR FORCE!! - as u can see I am prior I'm going back into the Army, and really really have grown to love them!!

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