
What's your favorite breed of dog ... and why?

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What's your favorite breed of dog ... and why?




  1. Saint Bernards ROCK!!

    They just BIG gentle giants with a very loyal,playful and loving personality!!

  2. i love tibetan terriers. they're a little hard to find, and can be a little stubborn, but they bond with they're family VERY well. they also aren't as high energy as working dogs b/c they were breed for companionship so they make wonderful house pets

  3. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. Why?

    Have you seen one? They are so adorable, with their fox-red coats and feathered tails! Have you met one? They are so energetic in a controlled way, so intelligent and always playful.

    All-round brilliant dogs, with not a mean bone in their body.

  4. I've had a large dog and loved it to death because it was so friendly.  I have a small dog now and love it for the same reasons.  It's not the breed it's the dog and how you train it.

  5. Bichon Frise-They don't shed and are super intelligent and fun. :) Got two myself.

    A.P.B.T.- THey are incredibly smart, and wonderful with kids!

    :) Yayyy

  6. bernese mountain dog.

    i think they look beautifull. they are faithfull,cuddly,funny,

    they are big ith even biger personality.

    cocker spaniel

    bloodhound  pit bull is my second favorite. If i cant have bernese then my second choice is a pit bull. and despite the bad rep they are the best dog to have as pets. they are the mens real best friend. At a humane society where i work at all i see is pit bulls and most people just walk by them. it hurts to see them locked in those cages if i can i would adopt every one of them . Actually i changed my mind my favorite breed of dogs is a PIT BULL

  7. My favorite dog is typically a lab just because they are very loyal and sweet I also like s**+ tzus alot in fact I have one but the s**+ tzu are pretty hard to potty train and you must brush them and bath them or else they smell really bad lol

  8. I've only owned two dogs my entire life, and they've both been Great Danes. Plus, my mother bred and trained Danes before I was born ~ so I'm a little biased.

    Every breed of dog has its good and bad points, but in my personal experience, Danes are low-energy dogs that are good with kids ~ thus living up to their nickname "Gentle Giants". I don't worry about how my dog interacts with other dogs and people. And as nice as Danes usually are ~ I love the added bonus of feeling secure & protected out in public due to my dog's intimidating size.

    As for a second choice - I love Basenjis....mostly because they're so darn cute and sound funny. Yet, I don't have any experience in taking care of them, so all I'm going on is appearance...  

  9. well dachshunds are my favorite breed of dog probably because my grandparents always had them ever since I can remember. I now have a miniature dachshund and she is pregnant and due in 21 more days which is exciting. Every single one of them are very loyal and children friendly. They like to play and run around outside. This breed is wonderful in my opinion and they steal your heart when you look into their eyes, so I'd be careful when you are around one.  

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