
What's your favorite city? Why?

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What's your favorite city? Why?




  1. Atlantic City, New Jersey. It's the closest shore to where I live, and the beach is my favorite place in the world.

  2. glasgow of course, it has everything you could ever imagine

  3. Madrid- but I can't explain it you have to go there!

  4. liverpool- the mighty reds

  5. Rome. There are so many beautiful buildings to see.

  6. Liverpool because all the shops are there and everton the football club r in liverpool

  7. Norwich, and it's not my home city either. It's safe, a lot is traffic free, it has a nice atmosphere in the day and at night and the people are friendly. The shops are a great mix of big names and independents all which seem to thrive. It's good.

  8. Start spreading the news.....NEW YORK, NEW YORK! It never sleeps, has everything you can ever imagine eating, endless shopping, beutiful scenery - and that's just in Manhattan alone!!!

  9. has everything

  10. Even though I've lived in Europe(Dunoon in Scotland), been to London, lived in Alongopo, The Phillipines, Rhode Island, Chesapeake, Virginia, Santa Barbara, CA, New York, New York. I'd have to choose S A N  D I E G O , CA!! It's 'paradise'!! Tijuana 10 mins away.. got the beaches, desert, and mountains all within a twenty minute radius!!

    Vincent Reagan


    G O  S A N  D I E G O  S U P E R C H A R G E R S!!

  11. i like london town at night when it comes alive

  12. Sydney. Beautiful beaches, instantly recognizable landmarks, good weather, friendly people, relaxed lifestyle, low crime, great nightlife and a great vibe

  13. Paris the romantic city full of beautiful places to go and see

  14. Although it isn't big enough to be a city, State College, Pa is my favorite place on Earth.  Big citywise, I would say Toronto.

  15. Morgantown, West Virginia because that's my hometown and all of my family is there.

  16. Edinburgh... it's beautiful... interesting.... and you'll never run out of stuff to do :D

  17. Even though I am not Irish I love Dublin...for a Capital city it is quite small and easy to walk around, mostly on the level...great shopping areas, and of course the bars....Lots of historic buildings and an excellent public transport system, the tourist buses all have drivers/guides like Frank Carson, each one a winner.....and of course to finish, the Guinness Brewery tour.

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