
What's your favorite home made mask for combination skin??

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  1. i have combination skin n i use this wonderful mask n it shows gr8 results 2... take 1 tsp papaya pulp, honey, tomato juice and almond oil n mix them 2gather, apply on face n neck. leave on for 15-20 mins then rinse off with lukewarm water. use twice a wk. i'm sure u'll love the results.

  2. I love banana,milk, and honey!!!!

    The banana and milk helps refresh your pores and moisturize your skin and the honey has antibacterial properties that make it great for getting rid of pimples and other such blemishes.  Plus, there is a bit of lactase in milk and that is one of the ingredients used in some of those creams that are supposed to tighten up your pores.

    --you mash up one banana, mix in a decent amount of honey and milk until you get a consitency that is somewhere inbetween petroleum jelly and oatmeal.  

    Apply this to your face and leave it on for a half an hour or more and it feels AMAZING!!!

    p.s. if you're feeling ambitious, adding a little bit of the oil from the inside of a vitamin e pill will help accelerate skin cell repair although it will feel kinda greasy on your face until you wash it next (which is easily remedied by washing your face right after you do this mask--but be sure to use a mild wash--just hot water and a very mild cream cleanser so as not to strip the moisture you just restored to your face)

    Good luck and experiment with some stuff (carefully!!!)--different fruits, oils, etc...  (I like adding a tiny little bit of mint extract to add a tingle and help minimize my pores :D)

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