
What's your favorite kick?

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Mine is a switch axe kick :)




  1. I would have to say a butterfly kick

  2. thrust kick, roundhouse kick, slice kick, and butterfly kick.

  3. Mawashi-geri.

  4. Wow, the butterfly kick? that's a pretty dramatic kick, I can't do any acrobatic kicks at all....sadly..... but my favorite a very simple crescent kick.... how boring, eh? It gets the job done well though, decent power, etc. My other one....I'm not completely sure what it's called, but the stance is kinda like the L stance in Taekwondo, with the feet reversed, so that the front foot is horizontal and the back one is vertical, with both touching like in Taekwondo, then, the back is snapped forward toward the opponent's knee or upper thigh, that's also incredibly helpful because it's very easy to follow up with a quicker kick.

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