
What's your favorite part about being a Vegan?

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What's your favorite part about being a Vegan?




  1. that i get to enjoy a nice steak for dinner


  2. Knowing I'm doing something for the right cause. Knowing I'm helping someone. Knowing........I'm making a difference.

  3. I'm not a vegan, I'm a Lacto ovo vegetarian:) I'm working to becoming a vegan, but for now I enjoy being a Lacto Ovo vegetarian because i know that its helps the animals and is better for the enviorment. I love animals:)

    It's also much better for your health. It can help prevent diabetes, heart diseases, and some cancers.

    OH! And another thing, I like identifying myself, if that makes sense. Like once I had a sub in my 3rd hour class at school and the teacher was reading this thing about helping the planet, and she randomly asked if anyone was a vegetarian in the room. I was the ONLY one who raised my hand, but idk why i just felt really proud of myself letting so many people know. I had kept it a secret for about a month.

  4. Good question! It's hard to choose. I guess the best thing about being vegan is knowing that I'm helping to reduce animal suffering every time I sit down for a meal. There are so many problems in the world, many of which are out of our control. It's empowering to be able to live your values three times a day -- at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    Other than that.... coffee soy ice cream and soy cheese pizzas are my favorite things about being vegan.   :)

  5. meat and lots of it

  6. Having a clean conscience.

  7. Not getting chicken feathers stuck in my teeth or beef lips in my hot dogs.

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