
What's your favorite part of living in SPain?

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I'm thinking of moving to Spain one day. If you currently live there, what is your favorite thing about living there? What is bad about living there?




  1. We've got good weather, excellent food and are pretty easy-going.

    But, on the other hand, we are always 10-30 minutes late for appointments.

  2. I thought you were moving to Italy!

  3. I live in Madrid and my favorite things are how you never know how your day it's going to end like, maybe  home, maybe at a bar with friends having beers and tapas, or maybe at an art gallery, who knows!!.  Also, the food variety, it's amazing.  I also like the fact that you can travel cheaply to other cities in Europe.  I just woke up and don't remember more, but living here is great.

    What I don't like...Nothing

  4. Absolutely everything!!!

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