
What's your favorite part of nature?

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I love the mountains, praires, forest.




  1. Human Beings, paradoxically.

    For whilst they can be the most destructive force in the natural world they can also do this, that is reflect upon the natural world, appreciate it and share that appreciation,  in writing or painting or photography etc.

    We are the only species that seems able to do so on this scale. It's a bit like mother nature provided herself with a mirror when she made human beings.  So whilst I worry about the impacts we cause I also know that being born human is to have been given one of the most amazing opportunities nature can bestow.

  2. lower mountain slopes above rain forests

  3. all the nature:)


    most i love the sea..n the sunrise :)

  4. the buds in spring and the leaves in Autumn , a good thunder Storm after a hot day followed by a rainbow.

  5. All God's creatures are good, beautiful and fruitful.

    The sky, sea, land, mountains, trees, animals, sunrise, sunset, sun, moon, stars, and US.

    Respect the nature and the nature will respect us back.

  6. Everything about nature excites and amazes me. Rivers, lakes, mountains, trees, flowers, animals, sunsets and sunrises. Early morning walks in the spring time with my dog panting next to me and listening to the birds when I wake up. It makes me feel good to be alive.

  7. Forests and green fields.

  8. The Smell

  9. The Sky, rain, sun light, moon light, sunrise, sunset

  10. the beauty

  11. spring wildlife, cool beach breeze, lilac trees.

  12. bluebells in beech woods in the spring.

    dragonflies; tadpoles, newts and other pond life.

    my cat, especially when he brings me a rat.

  13. I love the fresh grass and the smell of it.

  14. Almost everything

    Mountains, forests, jungles, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. I'm a big nature lover :)

  15. I love many things about nature. I live surrounded by forest ,and many animals live here in the woods. There are moose, bear, turkeys and other wildlife. I love looking out my window and watching the birds each day that come to visit at the feeders and have their young here each summer. My property is surrounded by stone walls, and in the back of the stone wall into the woods is a stream that comes alive each spring. I love listening to that and it always makes me feel renewed in my spirit as the snow melts and spring brings everything alive. I look forward each year to the many flowers that I grow on my  land.

    Each summer I drive to a lake  a few miles away, with my dog Jessie, and we walk and watch the Canada Geese float around the lake as Mama and Papa Goose teach there little ones how to survive.

    I love nature and feel blessed to live in the country.

  16. mountains, desert, oceans. and California weather.

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