
What's your favorite phrase/word in another language?

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What's your favorite phrase/word in another language?




  1. Due to my obsession with foreign languages I have a few :]

    Like one of the guys above, "Namaste" is one of them.

    The other one that comes to mind is "Varekai" -which happens to be my screen name- It means "wherever" in  the Romani language.

  2. i love Minchia! (meenkia)  it is an italian word that is more popular in sicilian, but italians will understand you to, it is also an italian word. it is a bad word. it means 'holy ****!' here are some uses:

    Minchia!  Che c***o fai, mi vuoi dire?

    Holy ****!  What the **** are you doing, you wanna tell me?

    Minchia!  Che pezzo di gnocca!

    ****!  What a piece of ***!

    Minchia, che stronzo.

    ****, what an àsshole.


    EDIT: to kellyRM, it is spelled grazie and pronounced (gratsyeh) not (gratsee) that is how americans pronounce it. change the 'ee' to 'yeh'.

    and to brian, 'my love' is NOT 'mi amore' it is 'amore mio' or 'il mio amore'.  you have to add an 'o' after 'mi'.

  3. Hmm, my favourite in my some Inuktitun words. and Japanese

    Japanese word:

    -Sora (sky) because nice sounds and i says 'Sora' with eyes forward like '>>' at the sky with 5 shape hand moving (sorry cant explain)

    -Damaitte! (Shut up!)


    -Baka (idiot/stupid)

    -Baba (****)

    -Baka-mitai (Your looks stupid)

    -Mukamuka (Disgusted/ewww)

    -Fufufu (hehehe/hahaha)

    Yupik word:

    -Waqaa! (hi! whats up?)

    -Qaa? (Really?)

    -Kenkamken (I love you)

    -Qumli (So annoying/ed)

    Inuk word:

    -imaa (oh yeah/oh i see) better than oh i see/oh yeah because imaa is more expression than it

    -Huvamiaq (whatever)

    -Luqi (Yeah whatever, everythings know ya'll!)

    -Hari or Sari (Awesome!)

    -Qiimik (Detests/hates sometimes jealous) if you Qiimik to this kid or baby because they so cute and want bite or little slap and almost same Chokes him/her lol

    -huva? (what?)

    -ahu! (stop it! dont!) better serious expression than stop it

    -aha (oh yes/yeah!)

    -ikkii! (oh so cold! brrrr!)

    -igyuukkik! (you fcking balls!) if you pissed off or hurt urself

    -amaruq or amaqqut (wolf/wolves) cuz its sounds like howling

    go on so... lol

  4. rigolo = joker in french.

  5. Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna - Never Say Goodbye.

    It's a Hindi movie title but I honestly hate saying goodbye. Goodbye just kills the hope of ever meeting again....

  6.   " Namaste" it means hellow in Hindi. I say it just about everyday.  

  7. I like the French word "surtout" which means "especially".  It's hard for some people to pronounce with the gutteral R and the special OU sound in French.

    The phrase that pops to mind is "C'est la vie!" or "That's life!"


  8. Que sera, sera! in spanish, it means "whatever will be, will be" and Mazal tov in Hebrew :) Mazal tov! I like it :)

  9. seni seviyorum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. That would have to be the Italian word "magari," because it's nearly untranslatable. It's sort of like "hopefully," but also like "maybe," yet can be used as a one-word exclamation that means "I wish!"

    What about yours?

  11. ezu cue seie lei non nonyei.

    It's french for ' I gotta go my own way

  12. Mi Amore!

  13. 一步一步


    some bilingual people know why

  14. Mines is "gratsi" (not sure how you spell it.) But I LOVE how the word sounds. It's italian for "thank you." It sounds so cool!!! :P

  15. Namaste

    sanskrit for :I respect that divinity within you that is also within me.

  16. I like the Mandarin phrase 很高兴见到你 (hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ), which means "It's nice to meet you". It's fun because no matter how you say it, it always comes out sounding sing-song.

  17. Bailando - it means "dancing" in spanish...but I always thought the word sounded cool. The word itself just sounds like fun!

    "Dame un beso" is probably my favorite phrase though! :o)

  18. o god don't take 'emmz' sugestion on board whatever you do

  19. Entre más conozco al hombre, más quiero a mi perro.

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