
What's your favorite quotes?

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Hello :)

I'm pretty bored so you should tell me some of your favorite quotes. Or song. Either one's cool with me.

Favorite quotes:

"there something that i been meaning to say

your something special and that is way okay

you been there through my ups and downs

and everytime you treat me like a queen with my crown

i guess in the end

im just trying to say

through and through

is i love you <3"

"sometimes i wish you would pay more attention to my favorite songs because the lyrics they sing are the words i am too scared to say. <3"

"i wish i was eight again, because all he would have to do is tag me and i was it. <3"

"if my heart had a face it would be smiling <3"

"11:11, i wish for you everytime. <3"

"your the reason i started drawing little hearts all over my papers. <3"

Favorite song:

Baby We're Invincible By A Rocket To The Moon. <3




  1. &quot;If I had to choose between loving you and breathing... I&#039;d use my last breath to say &#039;I love you&#039;.&quot;

    &quot;A true friend is one soul dwelling in two bodies&quot; - Aristotle

  2. With faith anything is possible

  3. holy ****! i just asked a question about something like this. Im OBSESSED WITH QUOTES!!!! One of my personal favorites is

    He gave her 12 roses 11 real and 1 fake and he said ill love u until the last one dies.

    sorry i keep most of my quotes inside my book. And i dont want anyone to take them bcuz ive gotten them from very random places

  4. Life is just one d**n thing after another. - A guy

    It&#039;s not true life&#039;s one damned thing after another,

    it the same damned thing over and over. - Another guy

  5. when life gives you lemons make apple juice and let the world wonder how you did it.

  6. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it&#039;s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together

    When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us

    We spend too much time living in the ‘what if’ and need to learn to live in the ‘what is

    Some people drift through their entire life. They do it one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. It happens so gradually they are unaware of how their lives are slipping away until it&#039;s too late

    You miss 100% of the shots you don&#039;t take

  7. I don&#039;t have one

  8. &quot; Why am i covered in feathers...?&quot; (bella)   &quot;I bit a pillow or two, but that&#039;s not the point...&quot;(edward) -Breaking dawn

    &quot;Nothing is worth hurting yourself over, not is worth taking your life over.&quot;- gerard way

    &quot;Anything robert P. TOUCHES automatically becomes s**y...&quot; -nomoremarbles( bailey)

    &quot; I don&#039;t have the words, nothing seems to say the way you move me, rushing through me...&quot;- Je ne pas de mots (i dont have the words, yes its english...) by Vic Mignogna

    &quot;Easy peasy pumpkin peasy, pumpkin pie, motherf*cker..&quot; -gerard way

    &quot;and in the end well fall apart just like the leaves change in color, and in the end i will be with you, i will be there i will save you...&quot; -its not a fashion statement its a f*cking deathwish-MCR

    &quot; and , well, i guess i&#039;d have the same reaction as any other 12 year old girl (pause) * in high pitched voice* WHAT!?&quot; -robert p. on being cast as edward in the twilight movie.

    &quot;suicide is painless, if you do it right, it&#039;s life that hurts..&quot; -Sami

    &quot;in my spare time i practice my solo career, they are all songs about gerard...oh GEERRRAAARDDD...&quot;-bob bryar.

    &quot;we like to kidnap our fans and put them in a van and take them somewhere dangerous and leave them. SURPRISE!&quot;--Gerard way

    &quot;And so the loin fell in love with the lamb.&quot; - Twilight

    &quot;make him want to avenge you! (james) No, Edward, don&#039;t! (bella)&quot;


    &quot;awesome possum...&quot; haha, my bro

    &quot;What&#039;s your stratigies? (Al) i told you, a fist in his face! (Ed)&quot;- FMA

    and your quotes are nice too. :)

  9. &#039;don&#039;t cry because it&#039;s over; smile because it happened&#039; dr seuss

    &#039;love is the feul to life, you can&#039;t live life without love&#039; haha that&#039;s my quote, i thought of it all by myself lol :D

  10. &quot;Stand for something, or step aside.&quot; - some guy.

    &quot;You nicknamed my daughter after the loch ness monster!&quot; - Breaking Dawn.

    &quot;CAKES!&quot; &quot;COOKIES!&quot; CAKES!&quot; &quot;COOKIES!&quot; - A. S., who stands for cakes, and A.X., who stands for cookies.

    &quot;And if I lived a thousand years from now, I never could explain...the way I lost my heart to you that day.  But if destiny decided I should&#039;ve looked the other way, then the world would never know the greatest story ever told.&quot; - &quot;Greatest Story Ever Told&quot;

    &quot;...what?  No.  No!  NO!  NO NO NO NO NO! NOOOOOOO!&quot; - My reaction when the unthinkable happened in Breaking Dawn.

    Favorite songs:

    &quot;Greatest Story Ever Told&quot;

    &quot;18th Floor Balcony&quot;

    &quot;Nine Crimes&quot;

    &quot;Light Surrounding You&quot;

  11. wow these are all really cool! my favourite quote ever is:

    &quot;i&#039;d rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who i am not.&quot; kurt cobain. :)

  12. T-t-t-tongues always pressed to your cheeks,

    While my tongue is on the inside of some other girls teeth,

    T-tell your boyfriend if he says hes got beef,

    That I&#039;m a vegetarian and I ain&#039;t ******* scared of him.- 3OH!3- Don&#039;t Trust Me

    “Live Freaky! Die Freaky!”- Billie Joe Armstrong

    “A guy walks up to me and asks &#039;What&#039;s Punk?&#039;. So I kick over a garbage can and say &#039;That&#039;s punk!&#039;. So he kicks over a garbage can and says &#039;That&#039;s Punk?&#039;, and I say &#039;No that&#039;s trendy!”- Billie Joe Armstrong

    &quot;Is adult entertainment killing our children? or is killing our children entertaining our adults? &quot;

    - Marilyn Manson

    50 cents cheaper than the real thing

    Even though it may be a little bit disgusting

    Can&#039;t call a ***** and it ain&#039;t got no drama

    It&#039;s called a new sensation called the right hand-a-rama- The Network (Fink)

    Opinions are like a******s, everybody has one.&quot;- Mike Dirnt

    &quot;Everyone is entitled to our opinion.&quot; - Tre Cool  

  13. &quot; I love the smell of rain because it smells like worms&quot;


    &quot;heavens not a place that you go when you die, it&#039;s the moments in life when you actually feel live for the moments.&quot;

  14. i love ones by Marilyn Monroe, no one realised just how smart that woman actually was.

    &quot;im impatient, selfish and a little insecure. im out of control and at times hard to handle, but if you cant handle me at my worst, then you sure as h**l dont deserve me at my best&quot;

    &quot;its better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone&quot;

    and theres lots more :)

  15. &quot;It took me a long time not to judge myself through someones else&#039;s eyes&quot; Sally Field

  16. &quot;Everything is inevitable. If it wasn&#039;t, it wouldn&#039;t happen.&quot;- O.W. Grant, Interstate 60

    &quot;The journey of life always includes the possibility of death.&quot;-Ray, Interstate 60

    &quot;Your grandmother always said never to trust shiny surfaces; they hide a multitude of flaws.&quot;-Lawrence Van Alen, Masquerade by Melissa de la Cruz

    &quot;I&#039;d rather be a nobody that&#039;s a somebody than a somebody that&#039;s really just a nobody, something like that. Point is: you suck!&quot;-Jaye Tyler, Wonderfalls

    &quot;I&#039;m just so easily distracted. Hehe, distracted, what a funny word. I wonder if anybody ever gets tracted?&quot;-Homer Simpson, The Simpsons

    &quot;I really wish I could have a drink right now.&quot;

    &quot;Oh, how long have you been sober?&quot;

    &quot;I&#039;m not sober, I&#039;m in love with the bartender, who just remarried his ex-wife, which makes things kind of awkward.&quot;-Jaye Tyler and Wade Jones, Wonderfalls

    &quot;Why do they have to move in packs? How&#039;re you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?&quot;

    &quot;Lasso one?&quot;-Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, Goblet of Fire(Book 4), pg. 388

    &quot;Playboy was founded on the notion that nice girls like s*x too.&quot;-Hugh Hefner

    &quot;She thought she was in love, but it certainly didn&#039;t make her feel like she was on a roller coaster. Inside the fun house was more like it- with surprises at every turn, and absolutely no idea what would happen next.&quot;-Unbelievable, pg. 169

    &quot;It&#039;s like a mule with a spinning wheel, no one knows how he got it and damned if he knows how to use it.&quot;-Lyle Lanley, The Simpsons

    &quot;Just because we&#039;re alone doesn&#039;t mean we&#039;re lonely.&quot;-Davis, Tru Calling

    &quot;Was he dead?&quot;

    &quot;Was he dead? No, he just came in here, had his chest cracked open, his lungs drained, his brain weighed, &amp; his stomach emptied onto a table. After that, he walked out &amp; caught a bus.&quot;-Maddie &amp; the Mortuary Doctor, Moonlighting

    &quot;You two are great. No, you&#039;re better than great. You&#039;re great great.&quot;-Agnes, Moonlighting

    &quot;We&#039;re looking for a man with a mole on his nose.&quot;

    &quot;A mole on his nose?&quot;

    &quot;A mole on his nose.&quot;

    &quot;What kind of clothes?&quot;

    &quot;What kinds of clothes?&quot;

    &quot;What kind of clothes do you suppose?&quot;

    &quot;What kind of clothes do I suppose would be worn by a man with a mole on his nose? Who knows?&quot;

    &quot;Did I happen to mention, did I bother to disclose that this man that we&#039;re seeking with a mole on his nose, we&#039;re not sure of his clothes or anything else, except he&#039;s Chinese, a big clue by itself.&quot;

    &quot;How do you do that?&quot;

    &quot;You gotta read a lot of Dr. Seuss.&quot;

    &quot;I&#039;m sorry to say, I&#039;m sad to report, I haven&#039;t seen anyone at all of that sort, so get away from this door &amp; get out of this place, or I&#039;ll have to hurt you, put my foot in your face.&quot;

    &quot;Oh, time to go.&quot;

    &quot;Time to go.&quot;-David, The Doorman, &amp; Maddie, Moonlighting

    I could go on forever, I LOVE quotes. I also love this question. :D

  17. I have many for different situations...


    &quot;you and I have need of the strongest spells known to mankind, to wake us from the evil enchantment of worldliness.&quot;

    C.S. lewis

    A growing Christian not only knows whats right, he Does whats right.

    the WILDS CIT...

    &quot;If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans.&quot;

    &quot;He who dies with the dirtiest towel wins.&quot;

    Ken Collier.

    The point of the Christian walk is not to simply attain your goals, because then you set new goals. the point is to always be pressing toward the mark of true Christ likeness.

    Rob Fipps


    Certainty of death; small chance of success; what&#039;re we wait&#039;n for?

    ~Gimli LotR RotK

    &quot;I love mankind, it&#039;s people I can&#039;t stand.&quot;

    Linus (from Charlie brown)

    (princess bride quotes)

    Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

    My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

    -You seem a decent fellow, I hate to kill you.

    -You seem a decent fellow, I hate to die.


    -You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept.

    -We&#039;ll never survive.

    -Nonsense, you&#039;re only saying that because no one ever has.

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