
What's your favorite snow cone flavor?

by Guest66915  |  earlier

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I like blue raspberry.




  1. pina colada!

  2. i like blue rasberry!! well.........i like all snow cones but blue rasberry's my favorite!! its the only flavor that tastes good even without the ice! :)

  3. Blue raspberry. I just call it the "blue kind." If it's made with ice, it's gotta be blue!

  4. i agree, blue raspberry is by far the best

  5. Cherry.

  6. Green.

  7. watermelon

  8. me 2

  9. Blue raspberry.  Completely unnatural flavor and color combination that doesn't exist in nature.

  10. red hot or cinnamon with creme added to it.

  11. cherry, or their was one i had called lions blood and it was pretty good

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