
What's your favorite thing about high school?

by Guest58989  |  earlier

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What's your favorite thing about high school?




  1. the people. the parties. the selection of classes. drama. football games. more freedom than in middle school.

  2. that I am done with it

  3. my favorite thing about high school is the guys and the jrotc program i'm going out to the army after i graduate

  4. friends, some of the teachers, gossip, getting to be away frmo home and kikin it with friendz itz like a hole different life  

  5. school!!

  6. my friends of course

  7. My friendssss

  8. when its over.

  9. dismissal

  10. Being the school bike

  11. the people

  12. All of the options that you get , the excitement of it all , of course the people ,and kinda the drama because it makes everything more memorable :D

  13. All the weird people. Teachers included.  

  14. the mix of all ages. its weird to have 17 and 18 year olds at the same school!

  15. ummmz the friends and the memories  

  16. The cool schoolwork!!!Q ima nerdd

    and hanggin wit the teachess aftaaa schooo

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