
What's your favorite villain in Harry Potter? ?

by Guest59896  |  earlier

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I like Bellatrix Lestrange. I think that she is cool , she is slightly evil , and completely insane.

I find her to be a really interesting character.

How about you?

Thanks xx




  1. I'm not sure if my answer is exactly what you want, but I liked Snape.

    He was cool because he was really evil (in the way only teachers can be), but he actually was fighting for Harry.

  2. i liked grayback ha ha cant remember if that's his name but the ware-wolf

  3. Snape. Yeah, yeah, I know he's technically a "good guy", but he sure seemed evil in the first 6 books (even though I never doubted he was a good guy. All my friends were convinced Snape really was on Voldy's side after HBP, but I knew he wasn't. Chyaa). I love his character-- the moral battle raging inside of him is awesome. He hates Harry, yet cares about him. The way JKR developed his character is simply amazing. He's one of my all time favorite characters.

    I love Bellatrix and Malfoy too.

  4. I love Bellatrix. She's just so awful and evil, that you've got to love her. Plus, Helena Bonham Carter does an amazing job in the movies.

  5. I Like Malfoy and his father because they are extremely arrogant and the way Rowling portrays them really creates true hatred in the eyes of the reader.  I love it when an author creates the feelings like this for the readers like in A Separate Piece.

  6. Tom Riddle is my all-time favorite delusional villain in Harry Potter. Power-hungry, wickedly sinister, kill crazy, I-am-immortal Voldy is definitely numero uno in that category. The best part about him is that he was really smart and skilled at his 'trade,' he wasn't an idiot.

    Although I do agree with all who would have said Snape. Now I think he's my favorite villainous hero, if there is such a thing.

  7. I think Malfoy's father is really cool. He was so arrogant, but he was also such a bon vivant that hating him was fun. In a lot of ways, he reminded me of the Scarlet Pimpernel.

  8. I also love Bellatrix. She's so evil and insane and just plain awesome to read about.


  9. hmmm, its a tie between Lucius and Bellatrix, theyre both jusy so evil. But ima say Bellatrix.

  10. Kudos to that!!!!!!! I luv her!!! But i can't decide btween her and Lucius Malfoy! But i think she beats him 1-0

    Did u hear about the delay in Harry potter & the half - blooded prince!! Its outrageous to put off the movie!! but hey! i've read the series so ita all good lol!

    Have u ever read Twilight?!? Ne good harry potter fanwill luv the saga!! Peace & Luv xx :p


  11. They are not villains, but i like the dementors. They are just way creepy. Bellatrix Lestrange is pretty cool too.

    please answer mine. Its a hard question...;...

  12. Draco, definitely!!

    and i also like the insanity that surrounds Bellatrix

  13. ha i love Snape too. All time favourite.

    I'm going to have to agree with the first comment. Voldemort just has a good all around story. His childhood in the orphanage and stuff...It makes you wonder if his mother had raised him, would he still as evil?

  14. Yeah i kinda like Bellatrix as well but i also like Seruis Black's brother who seems quite an interesting character in a sinister way.

  15. My favorite villain was Severus Snape.

    Yes, I know he's technically a "good guy," but still, he counts as an antagonist at the very least. He's a constant negative force which Harry and the others must fight against. I know he's good, trust me I know it better than most, but he is definitely a villain. As much as I love him (and cried over him) he is still a bad guy too. He makes things as difficult as he can for Harry, despite his inner goodness. I love how relatable he is, to an extent. He seems to be a personification of the moral battle that goes on inside all of us. He truly was the bravest man I ever knew.

    The world will always love that prefect combination of bad-guy and good-guy.

  16. i think 'slightly evil' is an understatement.

    I consider snape the best of the good and bad.

    but if that doesnt count. then i'm gonna go with Voldemort. why? because he's a smooth player. and he has a lot of depth to him. he's great.

  17. i really dont like villains but i guess tom riddle, he kinda gives me the goose bumps b/c a boy so small can be That evil..  

  18. Voldemort, I liked the whole Tom Riddle story. I always love these main villains, like Sauron, Voldemort, Darth Vader, and Galbatorix.

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