
What's your favortie epidsoed of The Office?

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Mine is the one where Michael burns his foot and Dwight goes to save him then crashes his car and throws up on the trunk then keeps driving. Then when they find out Dwight has a concussion they take him in what's her names van and Michael was like "Dwight put the bottle down or your fired" and Dwight goes "You can't fire me! I don't work in this van."





  1. HAHA!

    "The Injury" is my favorite episode too. Either that one or the finale to the second season. With Jim and Pam's kiss...


  2. I liked the dinner party one.  They had the video camera set up next to the bed, Michael's "big screen" tv, Dwight and his date showing up uninvited...  too funny.

  3. TBS just showed one of my favorites episodes last night. I love the when when Roy goes to confront Jim and Dwight pepper sprays him! Oh and I love when Jim stole Andy's cellphone and hid it in the celling. I could go on on my favorites I love that show it cracks me up!  

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