
What's your favourite conspiracy theory?

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James Dean,Marilyn Monroe,Steve McQueen,Natalie Wood,Princess Grace,& Princess Diana were all murdered by the same person? (Elvis Presley perhaps)




  1. The military/government cover-up of the Roswell Incident back in 1947.  As you know...the truth is out there.

  2. Roswell,New Mexico. July,1947. Crashed alien space ship. Fact: At least two military officers gave dying declarations that an alien craft did indeed crash near Roswell.

  3. Rosswell, baby Area 51, New Mexico, 1947? Weather ballon? Space ship? Alien life?

  4. Who shot jfk

  5. I'm convinced that my neighbour's dog craps on the same spot in my yard every day because the bugger is actually a host body for tiny aliens and this is how they communicate with the command post.

    I never believe any conspiracy theory if it entails the government or a government entity being behind it.  How could they be good at keeping that sort of stuff covered up when they're so inept at everything else?

  6. Flu shots are for government surveillance and mind control.

  7. mindcontrole subliminal hypnotic soliders

  8. James Dean,Marilyn Monroe,Steve McQueen,Natalie Wood,Princess Grace,& Princess Diana were all murdered.

  9. I agree with alot of posters here - Roswell UFO - if true (I believe it is), it would easily be the most important event in Human history.  The govt obviously lied as they are now in their third or fourth answer to it.  I also hate ppl who think they have a right to know the truth and at the same time think they have a right to hide or keep the truth to themselves.

  10. my favorite conspiracy is about the US cover up of the area 51 thing...i believe that the americans have alien technology but they keep it secret :) with good reason, if that got out think about the mass hysteria and all the complications it might cause (the other world powers would be keen on getting their hands on that xeno tech)

  11. probably the one claiming that childhood innoculations are a way of the government installing mini microchips into our bodies unknowingly to keep tabs on all the people on earth.....i mean seriously ?is there a government possible to have or to have ever held enough intelligence to come up with that sort of fiendish plan ??

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