
What's your favourite place?

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Other than where you are. I mean a place you've visited and just thought "wow I belong here... it's amazing".

I think mine is either Vernon, BC or Barstow, California.

What's yours?




  1. It is Jamaica! The land I love! I want to die there!

  2. I would like to contact you to ask your last name. As we are

    trying to locate our missing grandson, who uses one "T" in

    Mathew also. And his last name begins with an "H". So this I

    find a coincidence.

       Aside from that, I would have to say, that the area I have

    found repeatedly feeling I had to live there, and felt I had in

    another lifetime, was Tombstone, Arizona. Before we even

    arrived for the first time, I felt drawn the closer we drove. And

    it wasn't due to our love of historical places. Since we'd been

    to so many and never felt an attachment or felt we'd lived

    there before. But there was always a secure feeling and a

    bonding we'd feel. And we never wanted to leave. I did feel a

    bit uneasy when I would spend the day. As if I should be

    watching from behind. As a tourist, I didn't understand why

    I'd have that sense of apprehension. It was a rare experience

    and one I didn't understand. But our visits to the area were

    always exhilerating, and we miss the town very much today.

  3. spain.  I hate to generalize but they were all rude and everything was expensive.

  4. At my great-grandma's house in Mexico.  She lives alone in a simple adobe house with a hammock in her patio.  She made delicious capirutada.  Mama Rosa ........ :(

  5. Right now, I think Hawaii is my favorite place. I have been there once and I love it. I would like to go back and visit that place again someday.

  6. Hawaii or California

  7. never visited anywhere cept cali sorry , but wannagotoboston<3


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