
What's your favourite province in Canada?

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Name all of the provinces you have been to, and cool places for why you like them. Also, say which province you don't like as much. I am doing an Across Canada trip this summer and I can't wait! I want to know your opinions on every place!!





  1. Ontario sucks, I live in it, taxes are just so high here. B.C is the best, nice scenic view and its nice to just lay on the grass near the beach.

  2. Quebec!

    like, europe--but diluted and with Tim Horton's!

    Vive le Québec !

    Nova Scotia's close second, even though just about all of Canada is supremely beautiful. and British Columbia. yeah. that too, but Quebec first.

  3. This is like asking your favorite flavor of ice cream.  All of the answers are applicable.  Even Sasketchewan is wonderful particularrily in the North.  Just be prepared that a "Across Canada trip" is a significant undertaking.  It takes a week to drive across Canada if you are extremely aggresive.

  4. Quebec - I was born there and went to school there. Absolutely beautiful. If the politicians would leave it alone, it would be perfect. Absolute must on your trip - Montreal and Quebec City and a side trip to the Laurentian s - St. Sauveur or some place like that.

    British Columbia - Absolutely beautiful. Lived here for several years. You will find the beauty of each province is unique and you will say the same thing about all or most of them and not be fibbing about any of them :o) Vancouver a must see city, Drive through the Mountains - another must do! Love Penticton. Loved it all!

    Nova Scotia - Lived here for 2 years Absolutely beautiful. Halifax/Dartmouth, Digby, Lunenburg - see everything you possibly can.  It is all fabulous!

    Newfoundland - visited love the countryside here more than the cities but that's just me.  And there are no more wonderful people.

    Alberta - Calgary - called this home for 35 years - a must see. If you are into dinosaurs etc - Drumheller a must see too. Banff and Jasper must see and the Banff/Jasper highway is a must drive. Fabulous!

    PEI visited -see the entire province in a weekend. Beautiful!

    New Brunswick - visited - great artisans here. Loved it

    Ontario -Living here now - fabulous scenery. Ottawa a must see. All those little spots along the lake head - must see. The great Lakes - must see. If you are looking for night life - Toronto.

    Manitoba and Saskatchewan - A beauty of their own especially gorgeous in the fall. Winnipeg, Regina and Saskatoon - interesting stops. There really is a lot of history here and many things to see but, and no offense intended, the others offer more immediate and obvious points of interest.

    I have regretted a number of things in my life but seeing Canada has never been one of them. Too decrepit to do a lot of travelling any more but if I could...................................

    It took me 63 years to see it all as well as I did and many trips to each place over the years - just so you do not expect to see everything on one trip. Too big a place for that with way too much to see. Wonderful people to be met in every port of call. I am not a Quebecer, an Albertan nor an Ontarian. I am Canadian, first and foremost, every day of the year.

  5. Alberta - definitely my favorite!  The Canadian Rockies are beautiful!  Check out Peyto Lake. Go to Jasper and Banff, etc

    New Foundland - was a lot of fun too.  There is a bar there where you can become an honorary citizen = )  The whole bar gets together and you have to sing this funny song and kiss a puffin I think.  Super friendly people!

    Nova Scotia - was okay, went to Halifax for 2 weeks in February so I am not sure if I can really give an opinion.

    British Columbia - was okay, went to Whistler

    Quebec - not so much, got my purse stolen in Montreal

  6. Quebec- I live there and absolutely love the energy and vibe (especially in montreal)

    people misjudge it so much because of the politics and language. I think its not so fair because its a beautiful province and there really is nowhere else in the world like it.

    New Brunswick is also a province that I really enjoyed visiting. the atmosphere is very chill and laid back and the people are very (very very, almost unnaturally very) nice. I would definately want to go back.

    Nova Scotia- I've been there when I was young and don't remember much about it. all I remember is that I really liked it.

    PEI- it has very nice beaches, very relaxing, great place to spend the summer. It was very nice when I went last year. the people are also very nice and eating fish&chips is great. (although not every day or you will die by the age of 30 lol)

    BC- I've never been but I've heard a lot about it and its been almost all positive so I definately want to go visit there so time.

    Ontario- I've been to the Ottawa region and it was very nice. Toronto, I haven't stayed long but when everyone tells me that "Toronto sucks" or "Toronto has no personality" for the amount of time that I stayed there (an hour to change planes), they were right. I would however like to go back and see if it really is true because i'm sure that since its the biggest city in canada there must be lots of fun things to do.

    the rest of the provinces and territories I haven't been to, but I would really love to visit one day... and yeah.

  7. British Columbia... Beautiful, clean weather, beautiful summer, friendly people and lots of sightseeing

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