
What's your favourite time of the day?

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What's your favourite time of the day?




  1. Early Morning is the best

  2. night&early morning and al magrib..but i love most night

  3. Afternoon....

    It's the time when I rest and sometimes go out browsing or strolling at the mall.

  4. I like the morning. If I need to do something difficult, it must be done in the morning cause in the afternoon I am lazy.

  5. I like the night a lot..

  6. Morning to catch worms!

  7. dinner time when every sits round the table and eats together and talk about their day.

  8. Night!

    well... thats not really a time of "day" now is it?

    but, i am practically nocturnal.

    and i run better with less sleep.

    so i loveee nighttime

  9. Night

  10. Night time for me i could happily sleep all day and stay awake all night.  I like the darkness of night with the stars in the sky and the moon.

  11. I love Sunset in England. Here we have the most beautiful sunsets because we so far north that the sun is lower on the horizon & we have many clouds. This creates fantastic colours within the cloud formations, they can be stunning.

    Last night, the sky was just turning from clear bright blue to that very deep blue of night, & there were light wispy clouds that were tinged with pink, & the vapour trails left by the planes were bright pink. It looked like another planet, very surreal.

    I once saw a wonderful sunset in Cairo. I was on the 14th floor of one of the big hotels, kind of facing the south, & to one side i saw a huge huge bright orange ball (the sun) jump off the horizon, & to the other side up came the moon 'purple', yes really purple. I took photos, but they didnt come out, shame. That was my first visit to Cairo & i knew then why they call Egypt 'another planet', lol.

  12. When the children are a sleep and i actually get time to sit down

  13. Early morning...something psychologically uplifting about it, for me at least.

  14. Summer nights when life goes crazy and  Dawn time when the streets are empty and you can drive  at 60 km/hr in down town

  15. In summer I love very early in the morning when everything is fresh and quiet and you can hear the farmers shooing their donkeys along the path near the canal going out to work on their land.

    But I also love late at night when I can sit up in the roof  garden and look out over the Nile towards the cruisers moored for the night and see the Luxor Temple floodlight  .....

    its magic.

    So if I have to choose it would be late on a summers night.

  16. Just before sunset.

    It is beautiful here in Ismailia.

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