
What's your highest snooker break?

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on a full size table - i got just over 40 the other day, that's as good as i've ever done




  1. Well done mine is 18

  2. 2

  3. 22

  4. 17

  5. 1 (it was red)

  6. breakin the balls wit the white ball lol

  7. Thirteen,  red blue red pink

    Blue Angel club Singapore march 1977..happy days

  8. about 80 im not that good at snooker

  9. 25...reds and blacks then I got too excited after the 4th previous to that had been about 17,,

  10. 18 in practice only been play for two weeks im getting coached .im 14 and in a year i will get a 100 break for sure and be getting 50 breaks alot i practice 5 hours a day on week days

  11. 22, it was a pure fluke of the break, the balls seemed to line them selves up at the pockets for me, I did it in front of 2 of my friends so i had bragging rights for the rest of that afternoon,,,as you can guess we are c**p at snooker.

  12. i would slag you off only  i have reached the total of........31, i will keep trying, well done by the way.

  13. 149

  14. Ive been playin for 3 mths now and i was astonished when i got a 147.

    SORRY I MENT A 147 -100+1= 48

    I DID A 48!             WOOHOOOOOOOO!

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