
What's your line when someone asks you out and you're not interested?

by  |  earlier

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What's your line when someone asks you out and you're not interested?




  1. i go out with any women who have the kahunas to walk up to me and ask. i think it's a complement to me. it's just a date, i'm not getting married. i don't care what you look like, but i do care about you hygiene habits. if your dirty and unkempt...i will not go out with you. lucky i never had to reject anybody  

  2. "no thanx. i already have a boyfriend." (even if i dont)

  3. **** OFF!! YOU ******* UGLY d**k SUCKER! GO AND ****** l**k ALL THE ****** ABORIGINALS IN THE ****** CENTRE LINK LINES ****** ARSES AND ****** SWALLOW IT!

  4. not interested

  5. 1, Have to work, 2, Never have free time, 3, Am not ready for a relationship, 4, "I'll call you when I get a chance"

  6. "sorry baby, i'm married 2 da game"

  7. "I heard from a reliable source you have multiple STDs"

  8. I'm very flattered, but I'm currently in a relationship.

  9. No, but I am willing to have a no-strings attached meaningless fling.

  10. I just say I'm not interested

  11. "ah sorry, i have dinner with my parents that night"

  12. Thank you i honestly but I'm not interested at this time.

    kinda harsh but blunt and straight to the point ; )

  13. "wanna meet my wife? she's around here somewhere..." =]

    "umm, sure... can i ask my wife for permission?"

  14. I say the truth, "Sorry, but I don't think of you like that".

  15. I'm seeing someone

  16. "Thank you.....I was just wondering who I was going to use as a blood sacrifice tonight!"

  17. NO

  18. I'm seeing someone.

    Unless they know differently then,

    "I just got out of a relationship and I'm not ready to go back into one."

    Unless I have to deal with them every day then,

    "If I date you then our work/friend relationship would get weird and that would be bad for me because I'm not moving on to another job."

    If none of the above work:

    "I'm just not that into you, punk."

    The "punk" helps with easing the let down of the male ego and reminds them of all dirty harry references.

  19. I'm in a relationship.

  20. I tell them "No thanks, I'm a L*****n."

    Not true, but it works every time!

  21. I usually try to tell the "diplomatic truth" (I have my eye set on someone else... I'd rather be alone for a while... I like you very much, but not that way...) (well in my actual case, I just say "I have a boyfriend" but that won't work if he knows you don't lol)

    all those cliché answers.

    It always makes me sooo uncomfortable.

    If I don't know the person I say "I'm a L*****n"...

    I also once answered to one who was being way too insisting "Okay but I want you to know, first of all, that I'm waiting for marriage to have s*x." ... He changed his mind quickly

  22. dont say no thank you that is sooo rude, that would make someone feel like ****. what you gotta do is lie and say you are seeing someone else or somthing like that. a lie isnt bad if it is used to spare ones feelings and anyone who says otherwise must be heartless and irrational like a female.

  23. i already got a b****h

  24. i just tell 'em i have a girlfriend...and then i ask her hot friend out, who is standing right beside her.

    i bet you've been bad need a good spanking :)

  25. I'm pretty sure my husband wouldn't approve

  26. im a L*****n.


  27. I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend.... or, I'm married. lol.. I know, I know, but it's better then saying "eww no, get lost".. don't you think?

    I bet you just give them your nasty bitchy look and tell them to shove it, huh? I wouldn't doubt it, knowing you...dork!

    Luv ya girly =)

  28. ~I simply say, "No, thank you"

  29. "uhh, yeah sure, (use wrong name). Hey! Where do I know you from? are you the one who eats in the cafeteria two tables away or the guy from math??"

  30. "I don't date."  If they give you grief, then you just tell them "the Lord knows who your husband will be and you're waiting on Him to show you"...That is unless you're in a bar partying.  That wouldn't work.  Then I would say...

    "I don't date.  I'm sick of the drama."

    Act all bitter.  Guys hate bitter chicks.

  31. i come out honest and let them know i am not interested and therefore they can chose to go ask someone else. its best to be upfront and honest and not try and make it sugar coated.

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