
What's your most embarrassing moment? - i need a good laugh:]]?

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What's your most embarrassing moment? - i need a good laugh:]]?




  1. When I was about 10 years old i was kind of a spaz. Well one summer I was at a Cub scout camp, and everyone in the camp ate dinner in a large mess hall in the center of camp. So one night they blew the bugle(that signaled dinner being ready). SO Rather than walk along at a normal pace with my parents i started sprinting to the mess hall(much to the dismay of my parents. Well as I got close to the mess hall I tripped over my own feet and  went flying forward face first.There happened to be a rather "large" lady not too far in front of me. At full force my face went flying into the womans butt right where her crack was. Now apparently this woman had some gas and the force of my face careening into her butt forced it out of her right into my mouth and nose. Needless to day I was super embarrassed. I apologized over and over, trying not to vomit. My dad said it was one of the funniest things he had ever seen and since then has made fun of me saying my face went a full three inches into her crack. Needless to say when we finally sat down to eat I had lost my appetite. I swear to god that f**t was so bad i could literally taste it. So Gross!

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