
What's your most embarrassing moment out in public???

by  |  earlier

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My kids and I went out to a family club for dinner and I got up several times to get some salad bar and also to tend to the kids. My husband showed up as we were getting ready to leave and he was walking behind me and told me I had a huge rip in my pants! I was so in shock I wandered how many saw my pink panties! WOW




  1. I was once at Meijer buying underwear, and I thought my husband was right behind me, so I said, "Do you like the pink or the purple?" I turned around, and my boss was standing there! Yuck!

  2. Me & a couple BFFs went out to fairly upscale restaurant for a nice lunch.  While we were inside a thunderstorm came up suddenly. It seemed to let a lot by the time we leave, & is raining just a little, so we run for my car. Halfway there a big gust of wind raises my skirt way up!  There were many customers sitting by the windows who got a brief show. Getting to the car the wind is really howling, but I've got my skirt held down. As I open my door, they open theirs, & the wind rushes thru like the car is a tunnel. It hits me head on & tries to push me away from the car.  I lose my footing & fall backwards, letting the wind yank my skirt up as I go down. I land thud on my butt & in a big puddle of dirty rain water.  My panties are soaked & dripping! I look around & nobody is around or can see (hopefully).  I sure don't want to mess up my car seat or to sit in soaked panties, so with the car door as a screen, I quickly reach up & pull then down & off.  I'm  pretty wet & look a sight sitting behind the wheel with dripping panties in hand! My friends are laughing so hard they are crying.  Hard to live down.

  3. Your WOW means it was interesting for u :) ?

  4. Sexayy.

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