
What's your most embarrassing story?

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mine was like four yrs ago and i was at an arcade for my little brothers b day and i went to go get him and pulled him away from a game and then some lady was screaming at me to let him go and i realized is wasnt my brother it was someone who looked like him...haha i felt really bad




  1. Dress Up Day at school in 6th grade.

    My teacher had told us this story of how two boys in another homeroom dressed up as girls a couple of years earlier. She talked about how funny it was and wondered if any boys in our class would do it. I had a huge crush on the teacher, and wasn't the only boy who did. Anyway this boy talked me and two others into doing it.

    It was embarrassing enough just calling my neighbor, who was in my grade but in another homeroom. I asked her to borrow some of her clothes and when I told her why she couldn't wait to help me pick out an outfit. My mom borrowed a wig from her friend and did my make up. I went to school wearing a pink blouse, black knee-length ruffled skirt, white knee socks, shiny black girl shoes, make up and a long brown wig with a pink ribbon in it.
    I was horrified to find that not only were the other boys not dressed as girls, no one else was dressed up at all. It was the wrong day! 0_0 I had gotten mixed up and dressed up a day too early. Try explaining that.
    To make matters worse, my teacher got me up in front of the class to look me over and comment. Everyone giggled and laughed. I wanted to disappear.

  2. When my parents adopted me they took a camcorder which is very sweet and recorded me. I wore split pants so was used to showing the world my bare bottom!. I loved my Dad and one thing i adored was him rubbing my bare bottom!, it got me to sleep and he was just pleased i loved him and that he could comfort me. Now they got a lot of it on tape! some even as i am older i would go across his lap for my bottom rubbing!. When the neighbours and friends came they all had a real laugh, saying "OOOhh just look at that bottom"! and "she loved her Daddy rubbing her botty", one lad even said "WOW that's so funny"!!. I was as red as a tomato!

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