
What's your most terrifying ghost or paranormal experience???

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PLEASE don't tell me that ghosts don't exist just tell me your experiences.




  1. i just had deja vu right now.. haha um i haven't experienced anything paranormal sorry.

  2. 3 ppl have died in my grandpa's house including my grandmother.1 day i was in his kitchen(the only way 2 get into the kitchen is through the dining room)folding some laundry.i kept feeling like something was staring @ me so i turned around.their was an old man standing right under the chandalier in the dining room....i could c right through him;a couple of seconds later he disappeared.he was wearing a plaid shirt w/ scared the s*** outta me.later on that day,i told my dad what i had seen & he told me that was old man so & so who had lived in the house b-4 my grandpa but not 2 worry about him he was harmless :)

  3. My next door neighbor (we lived in an apartment complex) was a very old woman from the West Indies, she would sometimes cry an wail at night and my brother and I would hear her through the bedroom wall saying "Help me, please help me". Needless to say my older brother and I would never bother my mother to go and knock on her door to see if she could help (her church sisters had the key and my mother had the phone number of several of them in case of emergency).

    The day she died was pretty uneventful, by that time my mother had switched our rooms, we now had the one facing the street side of the building. After her church sister found her expired and all of the activity quieted down they posted a police officer to wait with her body for the coroner's van to come (she had no immediate family or will), by the time my brother and I went to bed that night the van still hadn't shown up. That was around 11:30pm

    Sometime during the night I felt hot (it was summer) and felt mosquitoes biting me, we had the window open but no fan in the room. I kept feeling the bites getting worse and worse, I was itching all over and scratching the bites raw and bloody, it was around this time that I felt like I was just really asleep and was trying to wake myself up but the dream was getting worse and now I was a bloody mess I looked at my arms and legs and saw the blood staining my sheets - it was about that time that I heard a car door slam (we lived on the fourth floor and could hear street noises easily) that woke me up and I pulled out of my sheets and sat up I felt the blood dripping down my arms and legs. My brother was sleeping next to me in his bed and woke up too asking me if there was a mosquito in the room, I told him "yeah I think so, I'm all itchy and bleeding", he told me "yeah, me too".

    We both got up he wanted to check me out and turned on the light. Both of us were stunned that there was no mosquito bites anywhere on either of us and no blood, we kind of freaked out because we realized we must have been having the same exact dream.

    We heard some more commotion outside our bedroom window after we had turned off the lights to go back to bed, and saw that the coroner's van was parked in the walkway to our building and the two guys were loading our neighbor into the back on the gurney. The time we saw on the clock was 1:30am

    My brother and I both looked at each other and somehow made the connection that when the coroner's showed up and started moving her body, she was somehow disturbed and her spirit moved through both of us while we slept in a way that I would never want anyone else to experience.

    My brother sometimes forgets about the event but all I have to do is mention her name and he still gets spooked about it.

  4. I was inseparable from my teletubby(lala) when i was younger. 9 or 10 i think?It was the talking one, the one that could sing. There were alot of haunted stories about these teletubbies toys but i just ignored it. Until one night when i was sleeping i saw it turn its head. It could be my imagination because all those haunted stories about these toys got into my head, or it could be because when i turned, i leaned on its arm and it moved.I was so terrified i didn't know what to do with it. I was afraid of throwing it away cause i was afraid it'll come back to haunt me. Haha so i told my mum and i wanted to give it to my cousin, which she too didn't want me to just in case it's really haunted.

  5. This isn't terrifying but it did make me gasp.

    A couple years ago, my daughter was very ill. She was in the hospital a couple days when she took a turn for the worse and we didn't think she was going to make it.

    People were coming and going at all hours to check on her and some I missed seeing--either getting something to eat,took a smoke break,etc.

    I had stepped out of her room to go get something to eat. I was gone maybe 10minutes. When I got back to the room, I went to my daughter,she was sleeping, to reapply a wet washcloth to her head, she opened her eyes and said.

    "Mom, grandpa said not to worry, I will be okay, it is not my time to go."

    I asked papa Butch was here? she said No, Oh, papa Tom was here? She said no.

    I said "honey, if it wasn't papa Butch or Tom, then who was here? They are the only g-fathers she has.

    She looked at me and said "It was papa Ross."

    That was my papa and he had been dead for years, she was born 7 years after his death.

    This daughter really spooks me at times, from the time she has been very little, she has "seen" people. There used to be one that she would see sitting on her bed at night.

    Also, I wished I knew a way of getting a pic off of her phone. There was a picture taken when she was at school--it is very odd, it has many faces in this one picture--one we call "Father Time."

  6. Well me, my 2 cousins, and my sister were using a ouiji board WITH ALL THE LIGHTS OFF! and we talked to 2 spirits. the first one wa my grandpa, and he asked me if I was being good, I told him yes, and he said goodbye. that made me cry. the second one was this ghost who told us to get out of his property. that was the one where I started trembling adnd I could barely keep my fingers on the board.

  7. This is a DEAD HONEST TRUE STORY!!!

    Okay, so my dad use to live with his friend, Vince, and well my parents are divorced so I would see my dad every other weekend. And, I tell you what, that house scared me s**+*less!!!! It was like located near a highway, so there were like no other houses around, except one other which was far away! But anyways, my dads room was on the top floor and so when ever Id visit, Id sleep in his room but on the floor. Well, I was younger then, maybe about 6-7 so I had me some barbies and dolls and stuff that I'd play with and there was a room right across the hall of where my dad's room was and it was like a spare room, empty and stuff, so Id play with my toys in there. Well, one time I was playing with my toys, facing the window, and I SWEAR ON MY FUC*IN GRAVE that there was a person behind me but only me and my dad were there and my dad was downstairs! It was like a mans voice calling for his daughter, telling her to get ready for school!!! I NEARLY PIS*ED MY PANTS!!! I ran down the stairs and that was the last time I ever stayed there, whenever I would visit my dad, I would stay at my grandmas (nice house) and he'd come over and we'd spend time together.

    If you dont believe my story, my dad also had a story about the same room.

    Well, one time, my dad and a couple of his buds were just having a cook out, and I guess one of his friends seen the window blinds open, WHEN THEY WERE CLOSED!!! They were ALL outside and the door to that room was locked!!!

    Im glad, that my dad NO LONGER LIVES THERE!!! But we somtimes take the route back to my moms house and we pass that house, and Im still scared of it. Its been about 7 years since my dad has lived there,

    But I thank God he's out!!! He now lives in his own house with his girlfriend, and Im actually not afraid to sleep there, although its an old house that is right next to George Colonial Cluster's house. Which is like the Battle of some hill or somthing. Meaning, my dad told me that George use to kill people and hold people hostage in his house. AND ITS THE NORMAL, ORIGINAL HOUSE THAT HE LIVED IN!! Although, my dad dont live in George's house, it still scares me a tee bit due to the fact that a room in my dads basement has like red paint or somthing red splattered all over.

    I've had many other paranormal experiences but I think Ive written enough!!

  8. Three of us in the car, with me driving it, at about midnight on the A38, after a day out in Cornwall looking at bronze age archaeology, and some other sightseeing.

    We see a very large black cat(4ft to shoulders, with a tail that make me think of a puma) "walks" in to road just in front of the car, leaving me no time/space to react. Just before we reach it, the cat pauses, turns and looks towards us. I see it's eyes as a pale glowing electric blue (maybe a reflection from the highlights)

    After what seemed like an age, with the cat not moving out the way, we hit.

    Instead of the serious collision we expected (Cats that size aren't light, and would do a serious amount of damage to the car) we passed straight though it, with an incredible feeling of cold, and our hair "stood on end".

    After regaining composure I checked the time. 5 past 12. Didn't think of stopping until we were over the Tamar bridge (12:38) , because we clearly hadn't hit anything physical, and to put it simply I just didn't want to be anywhere near there.

    Only when we were over the bridge did any of us resume talking, it had shocked us so much. Found out I was the only one who'd seen both it's eyes, which given I was the driver caused me some concern for several months (It has been looking towards me), as Cat Sidhe aren't renowned for being "nice" to humans. In fact if you hurt them folk law usually says the "attacker" dies.

    Sidhe in general are supposed to have really big problems with iron. Our car is an old diesel, and so instead of the engine block being made of alloy, its made of about 400lb's of cast iron. I'm now a bit sad about the whole incident because I feel I may have "killed" one of Britain's rarest beasties.

    I'm still around, so perhaps the cat Sidhe is too. Looking back over it now, it does seem a little, how should I put it, like it knew exactly what it was doing, and was merely playing games.


    Have also experienced what Deitrick describes. Taking an iron horseshoe into the baby's room seemed to solve the problem for the couple in involved

  9. Para- Normal or ESP runs in our family I think!

    My brother was in hospital with gastric ulcers but I have the symptoms!!

    My tooth aches whenever there's a earth tremor nearby.

    I have a migraine if it's a major  storm coming.

    Seeing the spitting image of my mother walk out of the hospital where she died years before! - In Broad Daylight !!

    My mother's  perfume would waft in the breeze when I was sad or thinking about her!!

    The knife of 4 generations of cooks in her family just disappeared !!? No I wasn't robbed.

    My old Labrador licked me when I looked at some old photos of her.

    I was in a panic attack & couldn't sleep the night before 9/11 ?? My sister was too! she arrived on my  door-step as the satellite TV news showed the 1st plane hit the Towers.!!

    I was astonished recently when my cat predicted the Melbourne Cup winner-getting my total attention by jumping onto the race guide in my lap and tearing  the paper with her claws at the form  piercing the name of the horse  "Efficient"

    I think she is reincarnated ! Mother???

    The most horrible experience was a house, where someone died long ago - still held a gloomy almost accusing dank atmosphere and some articles  though they where moved into storage reappeared!

  10. I haven't had any but when I do see a ghost I will be sure to tell you about it :)

  11. I use to live in a house that was built in the 1800s.  I loved the Victorian home.  This was the first doctor office/hospital in the town I grew up in.  I had many friends stay the night and say they would see things.  I would hear people call my name.  Things would move.  My sisters husband states that he seen a confederate soldier walking thru the hallway as if it was real.  I had seen a little girl sitting on the stairs and thought it was my niece...her mother then told me about how she had been hearing a little child playing thru the hallway!!  

    At first I was scared when we moved in but over time I adjusted to all that I have seen.

  12. Ohh, dont make me start. My baby was sleeping in his crib, and the baby monitor was making a static noise. After watching the white noise. I was freaked out, so I went into the room and the lamp was flashing on and off so I unplugged it and it still was flashing. At this point I was on the ground unable to speak when all the pots and pans fell of the ground from the covord.

    Evil spirits trying to take over my house!

    That was the most freaky thing I saw in my life. I'm scarred for life

  13. One time while I was sleeping in my bed my dog started growling and about 20 seconds later something kicked my bed frame from where my feet were. I screamed and ran downstairs and slept down there the rest of the night. Also, my mom and I witnessed something lifting up the leaves from behind of a tree that was in the corner. A long time ago, my mom was checking up on my baby brother at the time because he was sleeping and we lived in an upstair apartment and my dresser was pushed up against the door while my brother was sleeping in his crib. There is a lot more stories but I don't have enough room for it all.

  14. I went to Juneau for a council meeting and their hotels over there are so haunted I swear!  When I first walked in I immediately felt uncomfortable, like someone was watching me.  I was so scared that I asked my friend to trade rooms with me and she gladly did, but her room was worse! LOL.  I didn't want to bother my friend anymore so I just stayed in that room and I saw a transparent purple ball rolling around and it went under the bed.  Then when I went out to get some food I came back and the door opened but it was stuck like someone was holding it, it was like that for about a minute.  Then it opened and there was no one there.  I tried opening and closing and there was nothing wrong with it.  Then the water turned on by itself.  I stayed up all night and was a nervous wreck when I went to go speak to the Senators lol...

  15. I dont believe in ghostes but when I was young I would wake up in the middle of the night & go toliet.I was so freakin scared to walk at night & so when I finished going to the toliet I made a ran to my room & in front of the door the was a white kind of see through thing I raised my head to look at him so then I just ran to my bed & was freezing cold somehow & then covered the blanket over me & constantly crying till I fell asleep.

  16. A few years back I couldn't fall asleep so I got up in the pitch black to adjust my blankets, and my electric blanket glowed green. Yeah, green.

  17. My scariest experience was more for my mum not me. I was 3 and my great grandmother had just died. I was in the car with my mum and she said that i told her that grandma wants me to go up to heaven with her. My mum freaked out and screamed that she cant take me. When she told me this i thought it was funny, at least her reaction was. Another one was when i was in st. Augustine and my aunt and i were staying at a haunted inn. It was really small and no one was down stairs and my aunt wanted me to tell the story of the house from the book i bought. after i read it the cash register from the front desk turned on and printed something. we got spooked and went up stairs and i swear i saw a women in a green dress who looked like she was the slave girl that killed herself from the story. i literally flung myself into our room.

  18. I have experienced boredom waiting for the ghosts to show up.  Never fails--when I'm around they aren't.

  19. I've had ghost and paranormal experiences all my life and never been terrified by much.  I don't really like shadow people, their creepy, not terrifying.  I find ghosts interesting, and even fun at times.

  20. A few days before christmas in 1973 My mom, aunt and 3 yr old me were heading toward mohawk mall in schenectady ny for last minute shopping..Nearing the big General electric plant my mom had to slow to a stop as people were scrambling out of vehicles to look at a massive, dark saucer like object hovering over the Ge plant..There were lights on bottom surface that shifted colors and scarcly illuminated the dark object that made no noise as it hoverd there...Suddenly Ge lost all electrical power and severl city blocks also winked out..The saucer begen moving east following mowhawk river and as it was dark out, was eventually lost to view.....People started calling tv-radio stations reporting it-military downplayed it and such a hugh siting did'nt even make the papers...Mom said I cried a lot-had my hands over my ears as if I was protecting them from loud noise...There was no noise as no one spoke a word and traffic had come to a halt....Mom said the craft was 3-4 football fields in circumfrence...

  21. Seeing shadow people several of them in my home.  It was Bing Crosby's nieces home.  So much has happened, that i just go with the flow of things it's like having extra company, lol.

  22. I will introduce myself as a non-drinking, non-smoking middleaged woman. I like to think I am relatively sane as well. For the past 20+ years, I have lived in a very old(circa 1840's)house in the middle of Bangor.  I cannot say with any degree of certainty that there is nothing here. There have been many events - from miniscule to blatent , and often repetitious - that  we cannot explain. The house and land have been in the family for several generations. Researching it's history, I found that this is likely one of the city's old burial grounds. I am not sure what, if any, connection this would have to some of the unusual things that occur inside the house. In answer to your question, I would have to say that  - even though I reason that there is some paranormal activity here - I have never felt terrified of it, them, or whatever. Startled, yes. Like I had a rock in my stomach, yes. Mostly though, I know for sure that this house will never be my home.

  23. I have been in a few houses that creeped me out, like I could sense a presence. One house I later heard it was haunted, and some had died there years ago.

    There's also 2 local haunted places, Waverly Sanitarium, and Sexton house. Never been to either.

  24. why would i tell you that ghost don't exist if i clicked on your question to tell you my most terrifying experience.anyway,i have been ghost hunting for several team and myself went to an old three story house just across the fl,line.about 50 miles from my was 4 hrs into the hunt and i was on the top floor by myself,trying to get some EVPs,i started down the first stair case when i felt a push from behind,i started to fall when i felt a push back up the stairs which kept me from falling,then another push from behind,and another push back and kelp me from falling again,so i told my team that was at the bottom of the stair case to start taking pictures,then the pushing stopped.but in the pictures that they took,showed a human shaped mist in front and back of me.but during the pushing game i could feel hands on my back and chest.i have been touched and slapped before,but nothing like the pushing back and was my most terrifying hunt,and it's the one i talk about the most now.LONG LIVE THE GHOST HUNTER!

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