
What's your nacionality? Are you worried about Global warming?

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  1. There is no such thing as global warming, so not to worry.

  2. I'm from the Philippines but I used to have a dual-citizenship. That aside, yes, I am pretty much worried about Global Warming--surprisingly prompted by Gore's movie. :)

  3. im american......worried?... not really....i dont believe man will stop it.....its got too much momentum & not enough is being done to slow it down.....i am however ashamed of how we treat the Earth

  4. Humans have ruined this world through mass production, capitalism, and profits, all at the expense of the environment. Anyonw who denies global warming is an idiot who only sees what they want to see.

    p.s I'm German / Swedish, and born and raised in America.

    GW is an IDIOT!!

  5. I am worried about the total domination of the globe by UN elitists and enviro fascists in the name of AGW.

    I am also worried about the blatant indoctrination of our youth.

    I live in the last country on earth that I can have a nice battle rifle collection and defend my home and loved ones, and where I am a citizen, not a subject.

  6. I'm an embarrassed American, we consume 25% of the worlds resources but are only 10% of the world population. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. I'm 56 now and I can see a lot of this play out in my old age. If I was in my twenties this would scare the bejeezes out of me. 40 years ago we put a man on the moon in less than ten, we can do this, but someone or big oil will have to find a way to get rich doing it before our Military/ Industrial complex even looks for solutions.  RScott

  7. American. I am worried that the hysteria about the global warming hoax will have a terrible effect on those people on the lower end of the economic spectrum. The poor, the elderly, the lower middle class. Already we are seeing soaring food prices, and a huge increase in dirty energy usage due to the ethanol fiasco. As we become more and more afraid, we will make more and more stupid moves. All to avoid a perfectly normal and natural phenomenon. Which cannot be avoided anyway.

  8. Im worried about the poor animals that are suffering because of it! :[. Geoerge Bush cant stop the earth from doing this though. Its sort of like a cycle..Ice age next? People are going green without GW anyways.

  9. Yes, Manhattan is said to go underwater soon. This is said to be in about 15 years. If Greenland goes underwater, sea levels will rise. We must do something. GEORGE W. BUSH HAS DONE NOTHING ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING

  10. New Zealand

    Our Govt has signed the Kyoto ? protocol apparently designed to reduce  emissions supposedly causing global warming

    What actually happens is companies reducing their emissions get Carbon credits which they can sell on open market to companies who continue to pollute so there is No reduction just a re distribution of emissions

    What can a small country like us really do (4.5 million people) that will effect the world wide situation unless the major players step up to the plate and do their fair share


    Don't be embarrassed mate you obviously give a d**n. You are not responsible for the idiots in your country as I am not responsible for ours and we have a few, mainly in Government buildings

  11. Sure, but as a pragmatist and a realist, I'm more worried about adapting to the inevitable rather than bitching about what might be causing it or trying to come up with some fantasy scheme to "stop" it.

  12. Citizen of the U.S.

    I am worried about the policies socialists will enact over this naturally occurring phenomenon.

  13. German: our Mrs. Merkel talks a lot on hydrocarbon reduction, however, she does nothing which is concrete. The experience of mankind's past says that people suppress their fears and wait until it is too late. Irony: we can emigrate to northern Canada or northern Russia where the climate will be nice in the future.

  14. Dual Citizenship, US, Venezuela - born there of American parents (Oil Field Trash and proud of it.)

    KJ almost had it going in the right direction, but failed in her delivery.  US gets first place due to capitalism and the industrial revolution, using coal to fuel factories.  Back further in time neanderthals (homo whatever-ectus) can be included for harnessing fire to heat their caves and cook their food.

    GWB shouldn't and can't be singled out as the one cause or lack of action to reduce climate changes.  puhleez people, global warming is the result of long term misuse and abuse of the planet by supposed "human beings".  It didn't happen in one or two four-year presidential terms.

    Petroleum is a FINITE resource.  As is water.  What I'm ashamed of is with all the brain power of all the nations of the earth none of the brilliant people have come up with a viable alternative.  Really miffs me all the carping and whining *oh, wring my hands* that solutions aren't being offered, just the same old cry and birch about conditions.

    I shall adapt and thrive.

  15. I'm American, and I'm extremely worried about global warming.  

    I'm 59 now, and I've been following this issue for about 30 years now.  And what I read about the accelerated melting of the Greenland glaciers and the melting of the Arctic permafrost makes me fear that the nations of the world aren't going to get this problem under control until something really bad happens.

    I also think George Bush, as president of the USA, has a lot of responsibility for putting off action on this problem, which will affect the future of the entire human race  - not to mention the fate of the polar bears, of course..

    But it isn't Bush alone that's dragging his feet, I think.  

    Modern civilization has become much too dependent on the burning of fossil fuels -- oil, coal and natural gas -- and there are countries in the world (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Nigera, and Russia) where almost the entire economy is dependent on fossil fuel production.

    That makes it really, really hard for the governments of these countries to do anything real to stop global warming, I think.

    In the USA, of course, we have some of the biggest oil companies and coal companies in the world, which means we're responsible for a lot of the CO2 emissions that are causing global warming.

    Also, most of our electric utility companies also burn coal in order to provide us with power, which makes our national contribution to GW even greater.  \

    And American auto companies get most of their sales from producing energy-wasting automobiles, which means we Americans have another reason for emitting more CO2 than we would in a much fairer world.  There's a similar problem with CO2 emissions by jet passenger airlines, too.

    That mean that the US political system, like the governments of Saudi Arabia and Russia and Venezuela, has a terribly hard time dealing with global warming.  

    Meanwhile, the fact that large numbers of American jobs depend on the oil, coal, automobile and electricity industries makes the problem worse, since the "free market" philosophy that rules in American politics means the government isn't doing much to create alternative jobs for people in these dirty and "greenhouse" related industries.  

    I'm afraid that unless something really big changes now, and unless the U.S.government does start to invest heavily in renewable energy while also providing new jobs and retraining to thousands of coal miners, auto workers, etc., American politics will just stay deadlocked on the GW problem.

    I hope a Democratic sweep in this year's elections, especially the elections for Congress, may make the outlook a little better.  

    But with a few key Democrats in Congress getting lots of support from the coal and auto industries and the electric utility industry, I think the fight for global warming progress will be very hard for Americans -- even with a Democratic president in the White House.  

    To make any progress, I think, the American public needs to get (a) really mad about the GW problem and (b) educated about the issues and (c) really, really active in demanding that the politicians fix the problem.  


    If we don't get mad enough, and smart enough, and organized enough, I think it's obvious that  the big corporate interests will ensure that "business as usual" goes on.  And that means that the USA, along with Saudi Arabia and Russia and other countries dependent on fossil fuels,  will continue tol cook this planet until it's way overdone.

  16. Citizen of Europe and the World.


  17. I am a global citizen, & am worried about global warming

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