
What's your nationality's national anthem lyrics in English?

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Philippines "Chosen Land"

Land of the morning,

Child of the sun returning,

With fervor burning,

Thee do our souls adore.

Land dear and holy,

Cradle of noble heroes,

Ne'er shall invaders

Trample thy sacred shore.

Ever within thy skies and through thy clouds

And o'er thy hills and sea,

Do we behold the radiance, feel and throb,

Of glorious liberty.

Thy banner, dear to all our hearts,

Its sun and stars alight,

O never shall its shining field

Be dimmed by tyrant's might!

Beautiful land of love,

O land of light,

In thine embrace 'tis rapture to lie,

But it is glory ever, when thou art wronged,

For us, thy sons to suffer and die.




  1. It sounds much better in Welsh:

    The land of my fathers is dear unto me,

    Old land where the minstrels are honoured and free:

    Its warring defenders, so gallant and brave,

    For freedom their life's blood they gave

    Land, Land, True I am to my land!

    While seas secure,

    this land so pure,

    O may our old language endure.

    O land of the mountains, the bard's paradise,

    Whose precipice, valleys lone as the skies,

    Green murmuring forest, far echoing flood

    Fire the fancy and quicken the blood

    If the enemy oppresses my land under his foot,

    The old speech of Wales will live forever,

    Our passionate poets to silence command

    Or banish the harp from your strand.


    God of nations at thy feet!

    In the bonds of love we meet!

    Hear our voices we entreat!

    God defend our free lands!

    Guard Pacific triple star!

    From the shafts of strife and war!

    Make her praises heard afar!

    God defend New Zealand!


    E ihoa atua!

    O nga iwi! Matoura!

    Ata whaka rongona!

    Me aroha noa!

    Kia hua ko te pai!

    Kia tau to atawhai!

    Manaakitia mai!



    Maori Battalion march to victory!

    Maori Battalion staunch and true!

    Maori Battalion march to glory!

    Take the honour of the people with you

    We will march, march, march to the enemy!

    And we'll fight, fight, fight to the end!

    For God! For King! And for Country!

    Au - e! Ake, ake kia kaha e!

  3. O! Say can you see by the dawn's early light

    What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming.

    Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming.  And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.  Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

  4. I'm American so ours is The Star Spangled Banner, but I will say the french national anthem is pretty screwed up!

    No offense to any french on here. :)

    La Marseillaise

    Let's go children of the fatherland,

    The day of glory has arrived!

    Against us tyranny's

    Bloody flag is raised! (repeat)

    In the countryside, do you hear

    The roaring of these fierce soldiers?

    They come right to our arms

    To slit the throats of our sons, our friends!


    Grab your weapons, citizens!

    Form your batallions!

    Let us march! Let us march!

    May impure blood

    Water our fields!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    This horde of slaves, traitors, plotting kings,

    What do they want?

    For whom these vile shackles,

    These long-prepared irons? (repeat)

    Frenchmen, for us, oh! what an insult!

    What emotions that must excite!

    It is us that they dare to consider

    Returning to ancient slavery!

    What! These foreign troops

    Would make laws in our home!

    What! These mercenary phalanxes

    Would bring down our proud warriors! (repeat)

    Good Lord! By chained hands

    Our brows would bend beneath the yoke!

    Vile despots would become

    The masters of our fate!

    Tremble, tyrants! and you, traitors,

    The disgrace of all groups,

    Tremble! Your parricidal plans

    Will finally pay the price! (repeat)

    Everyone is a soldier to fight you,

    If they fall, our young heros,

    France will make more,

    Ready to battle you!

    Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors,

    Bear or hold back your blows!

    Spare these sad victims,

    Regretfully arming against us. (repeat)

    But not these bloodthirsty despots,

    But not these accomplices of Bouillé,

    All of these animals who, without pity,

    Tear their mother's breast to pieces!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Sacred love of France,

    Lead, support our avenging arms!

    Liberty, beloved Liberty,

    Fight with your defenders! (repeat)

    Under our flags, let victory

    Hasten to your manly tones!

    May your dying enemies

    See your triumph and our glory!


    We will enter the pit

    When our elders are no longer there;

    There, we will find their dust

    And the traces of their virtues. (repeat)

    Much less eager to outlive them

    Than to share their casket,

    We will have the sublime pride

    Of avenging them or following them!


  5. O Canada!

    Our home and native land!

    True patriot love in all thy sons command.

    With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

    The True North strong and free!

    From far and wide,

    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    God keep our land glorious and free!

    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

  6. Soldiers are we,

    whose lives are pledged to Ireland

    Some have come from a land beyond the wave,

    Some to be free,

    no more our ancient sireland

    Shall shelter the despot or the slave;

    tonight we man the Bearna Baoghal

    In Erin's cause.

    come woe or weal;

    'Mid cannon's roar and rifle's peal

    We'll chant a soldier's song.

    We'll sing a song, a soldier's song

    With cheering, rousing chorus

    As round our blazing fires we thong,

    The starry heavens o'er us;

    Impatient for the coming fight,

    And as we wait the mornings light

    here in the silence of the night

    We'll sing a soldier's song


    In valley green or towering crag

    Our fathers fought before us,

    And conquered 'neath the same old flag

    That's floating o'er us,

    We're children of a fighting race

    That never yet has known disgrace,

    And as we march the foe to face,

    We'll sing a soldier's song


    Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale!

    The Long watched day is breaking;

    The serried ranks of Innisfail

    Shall set the tyrant quaking.

    Our camp fires now are burning low;

    See in the east a silvery glow,

    Out yonder waits the saxon foe,

    So sing a soldier's song

    that is for ireland and eire is one of the celtic godesses

  7. we've got the same already got the lyrics. our national anthem can't be sang anymore in different language though.

  8. O Canada!

    Our home and native land!

    True patriot love in all thy sons command.

    With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

    The True North strong and free!

    From far and wide,

    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    God keep our land glorious and free!

    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


  9. **** the English..I'm Irish

  10. United States of America "Star Spangled Banner"

    Oh, say can you see,

    By the dawn's early light,

    What so proudly we hailed

    At the twilight's last gleaming,

    Whose broad stripes and bright stars,

    Through the perilous fight,

    O'er the ramparts we watched

    Were so gallantly streaming?

    And the rockets' red glare,

    The bombs bursting in air,

    Gave proof through the night

    That our flag was still there.

    O, say, does that

    Star-Spangled Banner yet wave

    O'er the land of the free

    And the home of the brave?

  11. star spangled banner

  12. South Korea; "Patriotic Hymn(애국가)"


    Until the day when the East Sea's waters and Mt. Baekdu are dry and worn away,

    God protect and preserve us. Long live our nation!



    The pinetree atop foremountain stands firmly unchanged under wind and frost as if wrapped in armour,

    as is our resilient spirit.



    Autumn sky is void and vast, high and cloudless,

    the bright moon is our heart, undivided and true.



    With this spirit and this mind, give all loyalty,

    in suffering or in joy, love the country.



    Three thousand Li* of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;**

    Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.)

    *Li is a traditional Chinese unit of distance, about 500 meters or half a kilometer.

    **The Roses of Sharon is the national South Korean flower, it symbolizes immortality.

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