
What's your occupation?

by  |  earlier

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Well I'll start off First! My Occupation as of Now is a Tax Associate with HR Block. Are you at work right now? If so what do you do? Is it Fun, Boring, Ok or just something to keep you busy? Are you actually doing some work or are you sitting there bored in a slow paced environment? Is it a big company, small company or a start of a new one?




  1. I'm at home now, but logged into my computer checking work emails.

    I work in the financial services industry in an operations manager role, focusing on derivative products.  We're fairly busy at work right now, both with trading volumes as well as business planning for 2009.  Our company is a fairly large Wall St firm, and our daily environment is busy, noisy, and fast paced.  Sometimes hours go by like minutes, and you can't believe where the time went.  

    The people are great, and that really makes the day go by fast.  Today, someone at work took a package of men's hair dye, printed a photo of one of our colleagues, cut out the face, and pasted it onto the box.  We're waiting for our colleague to notice the box with his photo on his desk :)

    That's my story...

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