
What's your opinion of Michelle Obama's speech given to the Hispanic caucus at the DNC ?

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Denver (AP) - Hispanics should not have to live in fear of raids by immigration agents, Michelle Obama told a Hispanic caucus to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday.

Her husband, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, wants to reform immigration policies and provide illegal immigrants a path to citizenship, she said.

"We would have an immigration policy that brings 12 million people out of the shadows," she told cheering caucus members who shouted "Yes we can" in Spanish.

Did you know that Barack intends to provide citizenship to 12 million illegals?




  1. Obama and Pelosi want the illegals to become 12 million (or more) Democrat voters.... no matter how much it costs Americans

  2. Yes, he needs the voting block.  I think it's an outrage.  These people have already shown they will not follow the rules.  I think we should deport them, and that will show business's that hire them, they need to follow the rules too.  Take two birds with one stone.

  3. Business wants a civil solution to the immigration issue, the president wanted a civil solution to the problem, McCain wanted a civil solution to the problem, it was the republican media pundits that decided against it, and, ginned up the mob to create an issue, and, a hateful one at that.

    Michelle Obama is likely being heartfelt on this issue, for, supporting the underprivileged with no voice in the halls of power is consistent with her husband's message, and, with the Democratic party's platform.

  4. Umm so illegal immigrants can vote?!?  That doesn't seem right, does it?!?  I don't believe either of the candidates when It comes to promises about things that they will do once elected.  I don't think that any kind of immigration bill will pass.  You may make 12 million happy but there are way more legal citizens that will be unhappy about it.  I don't like the Obamas and I really don't like Michele who is trying to suck up to people..

  5. Whoopsy, they seemed to have forgetten to mention this in the mainstream TV news. Gee, I wonder why? Yet another reason not to vote for Him.

  6. So what she is saying is that Hispanics can wilfully break the law without fear of prosecution, and that her husband will reform immigration policies and provide illegals a path to citizenship.  Well, that should make all of the legal immigrants and residents really happy, right?  They've done it the right way, they've waited years and spent a lot of money applying for and getting their legal status, and now the rest can just jump right in front of them.  

    This is what they're not considering.  Legal immigrants (who CAN vote) dislike what illegals are doing more than anyone.  Neither Obama's nor McCain's immigration proposals respect the people who actually have kept the laws in the first place.

    But it's politics as usual.  Tell the people what they want to hear no matter what the consequences.

  7. It was clearly pandering for votes from a group that has not been supportive.  If Obama can manage to get enough illegals into the voting booth in November he might have a shot..

  8. Another reason not to vote for Him No mas

  9. I think McCain wants that more.  

  10. Looks like we have 2  candidates that love illegals?


    Did you know that Barack intends to provide citizenship to 12 million illegals?"

    So does McCain. He wrote the bill.

  11. Now, now, please stop the distortion.  Obama has proposed having a means by which that those immigrants that have not committed crimes or fraud while living in the USA that learn English and pay fines have a chance to earn citizenship.  Funny, but George W. Bush and John McCain have proposed the exact same thing--until McCain began to flip/flop on it because he was politcally gutless.

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