
What's your opinion of Prince Harry serving on the front lines?

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Under a cloak of secrecy, Prince Harry served on the front lines in Afghanistan, with the notoriously invasive British press agreeing to honour a gag order until his tour was to be completed in April.

Then the Australian and American media leaked the news, and within hours, the British army pulled him out and sent him home.

Harry lashed out this morning at the media, saying, 'I generally don't like England that much and, you know, it's nice to be away from all the press and the papers and all the general shite that they write.'

What do you think: Should Prince Harry have been allowed to serve in the Middle East, given his profile as a 'bullet target'? Should he have been pulled out?

Furthermore, was the British government right to demand an embargo? Was the media right to leak the news?

Harry 'doesn't like England'

Royals news




  1. I think he should be allowed to serve.  It's his life, he's an adult and should be allowed to make his own decisions.  He should not have been pulled out until his tour of service was finished.

    The British government has a right to "ask" the press not to print where he was stationed but the press should have the right to not agree.

  2. What do you think: Should Prince Harry have been allowed to serve in the Middle East, given his profile as a 'bullet target'? Should he have been pulled out?

    Absolutely, Prince Harry should be allowed to serve in the Middle East or any other place with the British Army without the media coverage. Yes, he should be pulled out when the news was leaked out by the media.

    Furthermore, was the British government right to demand an embargo? Was the media right to leak the news?

    The British government was right to demand an embargo.

    It was wrong for the media to leak the news. There are things should not be under the banner of "freedom of speech".  

    Harry 'doesn't like England'

    This response was a bit childish. He should consider the serving in British Army as an opportunity to know the country, so he can serve the country better in his latter years. But I think he did not like England for the indiscretion in reporting private life of the royal family by the media. He is young, he will learn.

  3. Every man to themselves!! He should be allowed to do whatever he wants.

  4. i am not a monarchist but i feel the media was wrong in this they set up not only harry but his entire team. if even one person was injured it would be the medias fault and no one Else's . d**n don't the media know they have some moral duties. i am proud of any young man that stands up and takes a role in the values of his country to protect others,no matter he be a prince or not. in all the interviews he seemed more concerned with his other mates than himself.

  5. he might be royalty but he's still just as human as the rest of us. It's too bad such a huge emphasis was placed on his being in the front lines.  

    I think he should have been allowed to serve, it's his choice isn't it?

  6. The reporters who leaked the news that Prince Harry was in Afghanistan should be FIRED for adding to the risk for him AND    his regiment.

  7. I think it was a little selfish of him to go into battle. I would never want him fighting next to my daughter (she spent a year in Baghdad) because of all of the attention and danger it ultimately attracts.

    Soldiers want to fight with their units, it's true, but they are also thinking of the safety of their fellow soldiers. I think Harry wasn't thinking.

    Yes, it is a tradition for royals to lead their troops into battle, but the vast majority of them did not have to deal with enemy intelligence who had access to the internet, GPS, cellphones, and electronic bugs. Believe me, if the press had not leaked it first, Al Queida would have found out if they haven't already. There are many other ways to do some good, and to "prove manhood" than to fight a war.

  8. I think Harry is quite the honourable man who wants to serve his country. I think he must feel sheltered which makes him upset hence the england coment. I don't blame him for his feelings one little bit. Of course they need to pull him out and its a shame that its that way but common sence says so.

    Your a good man Harry. I support your feelings and your statements. I am proud of your desire to serve your country and the honest manner in which you do so. Its people like you that make me proud of my British Heritage.

  9. Yes, I think Prince Harry should have been allowed to serve as much as his Uncle did in the Balkans.  Harry deserves the same courtesy and privacy as we all are deserved.  Yes, because of his status and safety he should have been pulled out.  For once the British media has acted civally.  If something had happened to Harry because of the Australian and US media's desire to be in the limelight and to create some almighty sensationalism, I would hope that the individuals involved in both of these pathetic Australian & US groups would be punished to the fullest extent of the law.  Because if Harry had been killed because of this "leak" both would be guilty of manslaughter.

  10. At least he's not a chickenhawk who declares invasion (although he didn't declare the war, he has a high ranking in a country who did) and doesn't go fight them.  I think it's good that some of these guys are taking responsibility for their actions around the world.  The media shouldn't make too large a deal out of it though, they should say he's in and that be the end of it.  He shouldn't have his whereabouts tracked everywhere.

  11. Prince Harry is not a "target" or "bullet magnet" as others have said.  I am over in Afghanistan.  Trust me, once the guys are all in their battle gear, you don't know who they are.  All this talk about his fellow troops being in danger because he is with him is just that, talk.

    It may have leaked out eventually, but not by his men.  We all understand how important operational security is.  Good for Prince Harry for wanting to be and do something good for his fellow troops and country.  And a pox on certain media sources that couldn't keep their trap shut!

  12. Prince Harry is like any other British Lad who wants to serve his country in the best way he knows how & even if that means being in the front lines.  Yes he is 3rd in line to be king, but serving in the Military is his job & from what the British media said, he was doing quite well until the story was leaked.  The Australian & American Reporter (Matt Drudge), only leaked the story because they wanted the scoop.  In my opinion they are the ones who endangered both Prince Harry & his fell soldiers.  Many is the time when high profile people, which includes his grandfather The Duke of Edinburgh, the President of the United States (George Bush), etc. who have secretly gone over to unstable areas in both Iraq & Afghanistan to visit the troops for morale, yet their presence poses a danger to themselves & the soldiers who are to escort & protect them.  These visits are not divulged until after the fact due to obvious security reasons.  I see Prince Harry's wish to carry out his duties like any other British Soldier as just, moral, & fair so long as precautions where in place, which obviously they were, that is until the out of the loop media who are known for gossip type reports regarding politics & other, choose to make a story known, for their own glory at the endangerment of others, know matter who the story is about.

    In regards to Prince Harry's remark that he doesn't like England,  obviously it was a retort on the never ending problems that misguided media (paparazzi, frindge news, & blogs on the internet), who never take no for an answer & beleive themselves to be independent of mainstream media, so they don't answer to codes & ethics that have been followed since the beginning news was recorded.  

    He wasn't being asked about England & her many facetes in general or specific, which if he was I'm sure he'd have many positive, even glowing & prideful things to say about his birth country.  He was responding to the issue at hand regarding his perspective & what he saw & went through with the constant stalking & harassment his mother endured & the Royals in general.

    The way I see it, those who leaked his where abouts are in the wrong.  This isn't about Prince Harry out on the town to party or playing Polo, this is about a young man who is serving his country at a time of WAR.  Imagine if the media let it known that Churchill was in North America to meet with Roosevelt during their secret meetings in WWII.  He would've been compromised & put into far more danger allowing the n**i's to destroy his ship or airplane on the way back to England, changing the out come of all our futures!

    I say shame on the Australian internet report & Matt Drudge.  They should be brought up on charges for treason.

  13. Frankly, why do we care??? Why do we care about Royalty, and or actors, sports professionals, golfers ect. They make too much $$ and live a life that is not like what the ordinary live, and yet it appears we need to hear about them.  I could care less.  Must be nice to be dripping in money, and have books bio books written about their past drug problems or other problems, only to have more money pour into their pockets.  Boo hoo to all of them. Trying living a life of the standard people. I only wish I had the of some of these privileged people. So Harry Who cares!!! Go have fun!!! Go bash your country!!! do what ever you want!!! I dont care, and I surely dont want to read about it.

  14. I feel Harry has the right to serve in the military as any young man that qualifies.  The fact that he's a royal does come into play, however I'm certain that both he and William have been "sheltered" from all evils for the better parts of their lives, and just want to feel "normal".  While he is at risk, Andrew served and was a better man for it.

  15. I think it would have been better if the media had left well alone. He wants to be there and he is (was) doing a job the same as thousands of other servicemen/women.  They continually take the royals to task for what they term - not contributing anything - but as soon as one tries to be "normal" that's doesn't suit them either - if it had they would have left well enought alone. Of course all the media is interested in is that being a royal it makes a good story. They are the ones putting him and his fellow combatants in danger by exploiting his position as a member of the royal family. Quite frankly I am getting tired of the sensationalist reporting by all sections of the media. I suppose it serves as a distraction from doing some real investigative reporting on what is affecting the lives of the "average Joe and his family. And YES the British Government had every right to demand an embargo. He only became a "bullet target" after the media leaked the news. Otherwise no-one need necessarily have known.. Time the media stopped reporting titillating frippery and got back to some sensible journalism..

  16. i think it shows that he is firmly grounded and he doesn't take his status as a royal go to his head, he wants to be a regular person. i understand he doesn't care to be on the front page of every magazine because of who he is and i respect that of him. frankly i feel sorry for him because he can't do what he wants to do.

    and yes if he wants to serve in the army than he should be able to.

  17. I think Prince Harry deserves a ton of credit for wanting to do his duty and not get "royal" treatment because of who he is.  But, unfortunately, now that the press (stupidly) leaked the news of his whereabouts it is in the best interest for all those serving alongside him (as well as himself) for Britain to pull him from duty.  He does have a bullseye on him and to put others at risk because of his service would be selfish and unfair.  But he shows that despite the blue blood he has character that his father and most other royal members do not.  Kuddos to Prince Harry for doing his best!!

  18. Yes, Prince should serve in the Middle East.

    After media release that fact, He should be pulled out immediately.

    After that war He have rights to do not like England, but not supposed to say this publicly as a Prince!

  19. OF COURSE he should serve his country!  All military personnel are a bullet target - he's no one special when serving on the front lines.  Good  for him.  Just unfortunate he couldn't complete his tour, that would perhaps have give him some perspective on how fortunate a life he has in England.

  20. I believe he was nicknamed a 'Bullet Magnet' not a 'Bullet Target'. Good for him to have Royal Guts to go. He probably wants to make a man of himself instead of growing up as a Royal snot.

  21. Prince Harry is one of a kind. Would have made his mom proud and sad at the same time! (as any mom) I admire him for the boundaries hes been pushing to be normal. Hes just a kid (well to me) and, has enough issues as his place in the world, but in the end, its his life. I am proud of him, his faults and his strengths. Hes brought humble beginnings back to us. And probably back to his family as well.

  22. The media put their own profits ahead of Prince Harry's and his section's security.  Of course the British government was right to demand an embargo, if the media airs everything an Armed Force does, then the enemy has the strategic advantage.  Freedom of the press comes second to security of the troops.

  23. i feel Harry had the right to serve with his troop.  Yes it should have been kept a secret.  There he had privacy and could live a normal life without people following him all over the place.  He life was put in danger plus his troop.  So best he went home.

  24. I don't know.  I guess someone's gotta do it.

  25. I think the news would of leaked out eventually, even another soldier via text to his wife. He should never off served front line, it's too much risk and putting his fellow soldiers at risk--he wears a huge bullseye.

  26. I think when he said he did not like England it was in the context of the massive media attention he gets on even his most inconsequential actions. He did not have to deal with that in Afghanistan.

    Should he have been send? He is a soldier, he should server wherever he is sent/required.

    Embargo? The government did not demand an embargo they made a deal with the media. If they had not he would not have gone into harms way.

    Was the media right? I suspect the media who leaked were not part of the deal. Had someone been hurt or killed I would say no but this is not the case. The UK military knew there was a good chance of it leaking and they had a contingency plan and some backup plans too that would get him out immediately if it became public he was there. This was an automatic given his profile for his fellow soldiers overall safety.

  27. I think it's great that Harry wants to be there and that he was allowed to go. A young man of privilege could easily have avoided this. The Royal Family could have also prevented him from going, but obviously they didn't and that speaks well for them. The older Harry gets the more I like him. However I think that it's sad people can't keep a secret and that the press/media has reported it. This is not something the general public needs to know and people's lives are put at further risk. Shame on those that couldn't keep their mouths shut.

  28. I think its really great he went to serve, I hate that countrys sent their people to war but not the head honchos that are mainly to blame. I think it was really brave of him. In fact I think everyone fighting for whats right is extreamly brave. I also think its wrong for the media to leak the news, he wasnt anymore of a target then any one else until the news was leaked. The british army had no choice to pull him once it was known he was out there because that is when it was too much of a risk. I think its too bad that someone can't do what they belive is right because of their status and the medias involvement

  29. There seems to be a common misconception that only "soldiers" can "serve" their countries, but there are many ways individuals can "serve" their respective nations and it doesn't necessarily mean in a war zone.

    To send a famous individual - any individual - to serve as a soldier in a war zone based on the argument "he wants to" is ridiculous. I want to do a lot of things, but not all of them HELP people. How is sending Harry into Afghanistan under cover helping anyone? ANY trained British soldier can perform his duties and not require "special" secrecy or private planes or extra care. In other words, Harry serving in Afghanistan burdens not only his comrades, but also the tax-paying citizens who had no choice in sending him there.

    I'm all for famous people helping their countries. Had Harry done something similar to what Angelina Jolie did in Iraq, for example, I would have thought it was great. He could have publicized the difficulties faced by British soldiers in Afghanistan. He could have done a charity for people displaced by the war in Afghanistan rather than for affluent charities that benefitted from the Tribute to Diana concert. He could have used his fame to help and benefit his comrades and the peoples of Afghanistan rather than burden them with his desire to play soldier.

    If Harry doesn't want to be a prince there is no reason he can't step down and be a normal person. Then, he can be a soldier like all the others. No special treatment. No special considerations. No extra tax dollars spent on protecting his privacy. There is nothing really stopping him from doing that, but to remain a "prince" and expect "normality" is naive.

    Everyone has things that get in the way of what they want. Poverty. Disabilities. Familial issues. His happens to be fame. He can use it to help people or he can choose to perceive it as a burden. No one has a "perfect" life irregardless of who or what they are.

  30. I really do feel for him. In all honesty he should not be there. It is not fair and his comrades in arms, their unit would be a BIG target and the chance that one or more of his friends would be killed. I know the friends would say they are willing to take that chance, they still they have family to think about.

    The Goverment should also know this as well.

  31. Service in Afghanistan or any operational theatre is appropriate for any soldier from any military.  There is no doubt the Prince will become a "greater" target if his presence in Afghanistan is found out.  I think it is wholly appropriate for him to serve, and for the British to request the media embargo, as any nation would for a VIP arriving in theatre.  I am appalled that the media would compromise the security of an individual for any reason.   The media release of the Prince’s presence in Afghanistan not only puts his life at risk, but the lives of all those around him.  The British took the only reasonable action, which was to pull him out.  Prince Harry has every right to take the media to task over this release.  Those who released this information, should be held accountable for their actions.

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