
What's your opinion of Sarah Palin's kids names?

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Sarah Palin (McCain VP candidate) has five kids, three girls and two boys. Her daughter Bristol was recently revealed to be pregnant. After seeing how her mom named her kids I'm really interested to hear what Bristol Palin uses. I've read that in Alaska names are not usually the norm in other 49 states and are usually 'stronger' in response to the harsh environment. It's interesting.

These are her kids' names:










  1. Track is the worst name of the group.  That's like naming someone sidewalk, laneway, alleyway.  It's ridiculous and it's not an appropriate name for a person, just because it's original doesn't make it good. It show's that's she's not smart.  

  2. i dont like them

  3. Miserable. Sarah Palin's resume' + her ability to name her children = demise of the free world.

  4. The only name of the bunch that I like is Willow and thats debateable......

  5. Well here in the continuous United States those names would equal h**l for any child in elementary/middle school, except for maybe Piper or Willow, atleast those I have heard of.

  6. Who cares what she names her kids? What we need to know is can she be a leader for our country.

  7. I personally kind of like Bristol, but maybe for a boy.  I think that she likes unusual names that aren't my style.  I don't, however, believe that her child naming style has anything in the world to do with her capabilities of being Vice President.  I mean Obama's daughter Sasha sounds like a dog.  

  8. Bristol is English slang for b*****s and has been for a while so this name along with Track and Trig should be considered child abuse. Obviously their parents were never ridiculed, abused or beaten down for having an odd name. Piper and Willow are typical hippie name names but unusual for a conservative

  9. This is vastly more important than all the nonsense which has been written about whether her eldest daughter drinks under age, or is having a baby.

    This is something the party cannot dodge, and for which Sarah herself is directly responsible.   Anyone who brings someone into the world and then gives them a name like that is a liability with no thought about the consequence of their actions.  Do you really want this Alaskans finger on the button?

  10. These names are not as odd as Barak. Let the flames begin.

  11. Willow is a town in AK near Wasilla where Sarah is from. Paxon, Trig's middle name, is also a place in Alaska. Piper stands for the Piper Cub plane, a plane flown in the bush up here.

    Personally, I think these names are horrible, but that is just what Sarah is! She cannot run our state, I doubt she is able to run the country.

    Just come up here and check out Wasilla, the town Sarah was major big strip mall with garbage on the streets and lots of trailer trash! Good job.

  12. Bristol: okay, doesn't really appeal to me

    Track: kinda weird reminds me of a superhero name

    Willow: not really unusual as the rest, still don't really like it

    Piper: Love this name! not alot of people care for it though

    trig: reminds me of math

    the names are really interesting. she probably named her children unusual names because she grew up  with everyone having the same name as her.

  13. Really weird names.

    I wonder what Bristol will name her kid. With the daddy Levi.

    They could name it Eskimo day lily levi strauss.

  14. Love the names Bristol, Willow and Piper.  Not a fan of Track and Trig, but to each their own.

  15. I think Bristol is absolutely horrendous.

    Track is just kind of silly, though it would make a decent nickname.

    Willow is pretty, though I wouldn't use it.

    Piper is borderline ok.

    Trig is silly.

  16. I love Willow.  Piper, while not terribly strange or anything, isn't really my style - and the rest, yeah, they're definitely strange.

    While I'm sure that most of the names were significant to her in some way (like you mentioned with Trig's name), I think what she's done with the names is a bit overkill, and she could have gotten the same message across using names that are a bit more established than Track, Bristol, and Trig.  It does, however, make me like/understand the names more because I know that most of them have some significance - if she'd just come up with them out of nowhere and said "here, this sounds cool!" then I'd feel a bit differently.

  17. Oh dear... Trig? Seriously?

  18. I don't think ICK! says enough.

  19. If I were an avid chess player I wouldn't name my kid rook. But the only ones who have to live with those names are the kids and their future spouses etc. It doesn't change my opinion of Sarah. I wasn't impressed with her to begin with.

  20. Piper worked for Piper Laurie, and Willow reminds me of fave actress Alyson Hannigan, but that's just me.  Kind of neutral on Bristol, but Track and Trig?  Holy christ.  But we already knew this woman was nuts when we learned that she was anti-abortion, anti-stem cell research, pro gun, pro creationism, etc etc etc.

  21. Not sure about the rest but as for Willow and Piper...she must have been a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed.

  22. Kind of funky. Not my taste. They don't sound cool enough like my family names.  

  23. Track and Trig? Seriously? Those are two of the worst names I have ever heard (apart from celeb names, but those are in a class of their own)

  24. I have no opinions on the what people name their children.

  25. Different, but Unique and Uncommon, names that you don't see everyday.

    But it's Sarah and her husband's ideas on what they name the kids, the only ones that have to deal with the names, are there children, I'm sure the kids are fine with it.

    That's what I think.

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