
What's your opinion of this situation?

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My "best" friend of the past 10 years got married a few years ago (I was in her wedding) and she got pregnant 2 years later. My boyfriend and I haven't liked her husband since we discovered he's a pathological liar and he's a real jerk when he's drinking. My boyfriend and I dealt with it when we had to see him, b/c my friend liked to do double dates with us and it was the only way i could usually spend time with my friend.

Anyway, she was having a baby shower. I had offered to help with it (I talked with her mother) but it was all set b/c her sis-n-law set up the whole thing. It was going to be held at her brother and sis-n-law's house. I had had a little fling with her brother about 8 years ago and neither of us like eachother since then. He's a real jerk...he's been in and out of jail, etc. Usually when we have to be in the same room with eachother, we are civil to eachoter or I just ignore him to spare myself being treated like sh** by him.

I had bought the baby's gifts and handpainted him a frame (I'm an artist) with his name in gold paint. It was really pretty. So, the night before the baby shower, i get a call from my best friend's sister. She tells me that they don't want conflict and don't know what to do, but their brother doesn't want me at his house for the baby shower and he thinks they should disinvite me. She tells me that he won't budge and they have told him over and over that they want me there, but he keeps arguing with them that he doesn't. So, they tell me I can't come b/c they don't want conflict with him (by the way, he's not violent towards them , he's just a conceeded jerk and drug addict).

I was really annoyed b/c i have put up with a lot from this girl over the years and stayed friends with her through thick and thin, even when she did things to me that I don't think a good friend should do. I had also put up with alot from her brother and shewas allowing him to continue to treat me this way.

Do you think it's reasonable for me to break off the friendship with her? I feel like i've been a good friend to her over the years and she disinvited me to her shower the night before...and she didn't even call me herself, she had her sister call me. Her husband has also been a totall jerk to me several times and another one of her friends that she really loves makes really mean comments to me. My friend has never defended me to her other friend, she just acts like it never happened.

Her husband also used to work at the same place as my boyfriend and the husband told people at work some of our personal business, that i had asked him to keep to himself (he overheard me talking to my friend about something personal between my boyfriend and I).




  1. dont bother talking to her! shes not treating u like a real friend! do wat ur heart disires!!

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