
What's your opinion on 'Ajinomoto' (msg)?

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Is it really as unhealthy as the scientists say, or is it just a harmless natural flavour enhancer?

Could you taste the difference in a meal that has Ajinomoto (Monosodium glutamate) added or not?




  1. Hm.. ppl say its harmful.. some said if u use it a little it wont effect or harmless to us..

    honestly.. i dont know how to differentiate wether the meal have msg or not..

  2. You know we cook food without MSG and it taste good too. You just need to put salt and pepper and cook it right.

    What i think is just, some people are just used to put MSG in the food which is really unhealthy .  there is too many complication that MSG give to our body...

    I dont think there is much difference on using MSG. Asian people is the only one using it..Some nationality dont use this kind of stuff

  3. i came from an " 'ajinomoto'-free-family " and trained to avoid msg. so I can live without msg.

    not sure it's healthy or not but i'm sure our body do not need msg at all. i think for small amount it's still ok, same goes with sugar, salt, fat, etc.

    i didn't try it but somebody says if you pour msg onto grass, the grass will die the next day. also they say if you want your weed killer to be more effective, just mix it with msg and detergent

    but i did experiment on Coke, I clean stubborn stain on my bathroom floor with a can of coke and it works. Coke is so acidic, pH = 3, i measure it myself

  4. It,s just to add taste

  5. Can tell the difference but will know after the meal. If they put too much, my throat feels dry & desperate for some drinking water.

  6. YUCK!!!! personaly I don't use this as this has no positive effect on our HEALTH.....

  7. im allergic to msg... well not allergic but intolerant.. it makes my very sick to my stomach to have too much of it... so i can really notice when its added not only by taste but the way i feel afterwards

  8. I think MSG is very unhealthy.  I used to live away from my parents and have to eat out because i got no time to cook.  And in a year, i put on 40 pounds due to the food i took.  And all those food they serve are laden with MSG.  I will know when they use MSG because i'll definitely have headache after the meal and this do not happen when i cook at home.  

    Recently i moved back with my parents and we do not use MSG at home and since i never had headache after meal and have shed 10 pounds.

    I believe that MSG have bad effect on our health.  I definitely not recommend usage of it.

  9. It is unhealthy and usually outside foods will add them to give the flavour.

  10. personally, i don't want the stuff in my food.

    i really can't tell the difference just by tasting but i get migraines if the food i ate was seasoned with msg.

  11. MSG is harmful if consumed in large quantities.( Like you consume it everyday at every meal!).

    Unfortunately in Malaysia, many quick chinese, malay and indian food, use copius amount of ajinomoto or MSG. I once watched a chicken rice seller make the soup. He used a 500grm packet of MSG and stirred into a soup prepared earlier. Of course the pot was large. Flavour enhancers can cause havoc if abused. One way,( that I am told), to know if a particular hawker food is mixed with MSG is that you will feel very thirsty after eating that food. Avoiding MSG is possibly the best policy as your body does not need it. That is also the same with aspartame or the sugar free hype.

    If you want to find out more you can look here

    and look for links that show you MSG abuse.

    It is not only MSG that is affecting us, aspartame is the other artificial stuff that makes tons of money for the manufacturers at our health's expanse.

    Go to this page and see one man's struggle to educate the world.

  12. msg is just to make a better taste out of your food..the name a type of salt if it is sodium chloride...i think if it is bad...than it should have been banned from the first place but yet it is still being produced up until now...if the production is still on...meaning the market for that product is still on...why is it that the market is still on? because there are buyers...if these buyers are using would mean that they are still alive isn't it...not their zombies who bought it...because they are regular buyers...which would mean they had been consuming it lot of times is there any harm there???? just use it moderately...don't overuse it.

  13. MSG makes u thirsty in an instant. To know if they put msg is when you get that tingling feeling around your tongue. Sometimes u get unexplainable headache. Most mamak and local restaurant use a lot of MSG, coz they need the patrons to order 3-4 rounds of drinks. On top of that, they also put lots of couscous in the curry, some survey say that some mamak actually put more than the permitted level. This is not the couscous arabic food, no this is different type of couscous- like a drug. Not sure if i get the right spelling, sorry. Thats why sometimes when we go have curry kepala ikan, we eat til our heart content and we get somekind of high and sleepy, and we yearn for the same curry in a few days time. I dont hate mamak food, i hate msg. So i dont go to mamak often, maybe once in 6 months. Yeah, weird i know.

    So i dont use msg in my recipes. Be it asam pedas or lemak cili api, or penang laksa, rendang or chicken porridge, i dont use msg. Stay away hohoho...

  14. i think its unhealthy coz theres a large salt content.. which can lead to high blood pressure etc

    btw my mom never use ajinomoto in her food... so for me i can taste the different especially between hawker food..

    there is a difference but i cant really describe it ..

    food without it is much better.. really

  15. Good if you take little, bad if you take it too much.

    Good or bad it part of our life now.

    Some cant live with it and some cant live without it.

    tuff choice.

    i dont know about others but i can taste the meal if they put too much ajinomoto

  16. its just not healthy...i remember my hair started to drop when i used to take it...since then i stopped....same goes to maggie mee....if you want additional taste to your cooking, u can use the maggie chicken cube/stock or oyster not use Ajinomoto you may turn blue instead of purple !

    yeh..terrible huh! but till botak lah....

  17. it is really unhealthy....yea it also gives extra actually makes it more nice and tasty

  18. YUCK!!!!! SORRY but I don't use it as this has a negative effect on our health,.....

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