
What's your opinion on Habbo Hotel?

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What's your opinion? Do you think it's stupid to waste money on it? Pointless?

Personally, I think it's stupid to waste money on such a thing. You'll never get to use the things you buy in this game in real life. If you get scammed of furniture, they don't care. All they care about is not getting sued or something. and getting there money. People waste away on this game, become no lifes and get obsessed.

what do you think?




  1. Well, I used to go on the site in 2005. I bought about maybe 12$ worth of credits but I made sure to do so on events like "double your credits if you buy". Overall, I found it was worth it honestly. I mean if your going to be on it a lot which I was, it was better then just having empty rooms . Although in the end I ended up giving most of it away.

    Now in 2008 going on it a tiny bit, it's not worth it. When you start you get a free room with wallpaper and flooring and a tiny bit of furni. Habbo gives out free coins on certain occasions. And there are more and more games and give aways you can get free stuff. That's not to say it's as fun as buying stuff for it.

    Lets face it though.  Habbo is filled with creepy guys and sometimes girls asking you personal questions and your emails. Also, it's filled with these preppy kind of people who spend all there time on it and act superior on the internet because they're anonymous.

    In 2005? Worth a few dollars. Now? More scams, more fools and not worth it.

  2. It's okay except when random people ask for your MSN or if they randomly hit on you.

  3. it's stupid

    but i do go on there because everyone tries to hit on you and it's lol inducing

  4. I love Habbo Hotel. Even though i think it is a great game I wouldn't spend my money on it. All it is is an online game and all you get is furniture and different house styles for your room and yet what i have heard it is like 50 bucks! I would just play it for free and enjoy the free life.

  5. Habo hotel is one of the worst games i have played in my life rune scape was better than that game

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