
What's your opinion on New York City Drivers?

by Guest21196  |  earlier

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As a New Jersian I think that most of the drivers there are too impatient. Sure they are busy people, but could they wait a few seconds for a green light? When the red light turned green, in a second "honk!" goes the guy behind me. He past me on the wrong lane going 40 mph flipping me off, highly unecessary. i think they should enforce driving laws there like New jersey which has cameras in almost every traffic light. But this is just my opinion.




  1. people are impatient, especially cabbies.  people are always stuck in traffic so they want to go right away.

    by the way, nyc would never take anything from nj bc nj sucks!!!

  2. New York drivers are generally impatient, but that is only part of the problem.  My observation is that in different areas drivers develop a certain style in terms of levels of haste, courtesy  and habits.  In New York we have people converging on us from all the outlying areas with different styles, often incompatible.   Complicate that with an influx of foreign drivers who might even have learned different laws and you can see it is a challenge to drive here.  And then of corse you have new drivers who are not nearly so talented as they might feel.

    In short, i hate other drivers.  And that's mot even taking into account the full moon.

    A word of advice.  Whenever you have a difference of opinion with another driver, put it behind you and continue on.  You will do better and feel better if you get past these things as soon as you can.

  3. They hit the horn way too quick and often when nothing can be done.  Like if there is a truck trying to fit down a road it can't and it's trying to fix the problem, they'll honk knowing that the honking is doing nothing by making the situation worse.  People go too fast down streets even though they have to stop at every block anyway.

    And yeah HONK! get out of my way I don't have time for you I have other questions to answer!

  4. I agree.

    Everywhere in NY, NJ, CT, drivers are impatient and they do not care about bus or trucks that cannot stop easily.

    I experience this lots of time.

    One time when Q53 was using to be Triboro Coach, black driver pop out from gas station and made right turn in front of moving bus!.

    Another time, illegal right turn in front of buses, etc.

  5. The horn honking is annoying, but it's not just New York drivers (but it is mostly cabbies) and most drivers DON"T honk.

    And i see a lot of NJ drivers who roll into crosswalks before stopping, which is very annoying, run red lights and think they can turn right on red in NYC. In general I find NYC drivers to be better than New Jersey drivers..  

    PS Connecticut drivers are the worst in the tristate are -- drive too fast, think they own the road, run stop signs all the time, and have absolutely no regard for pedestrians -- they had to put up signs in busy intersection to remind drivers that they have to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks to stop people from mowing down pedestrians.

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