
What's your opinion on Palin?

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Do you think she is ready to lead?

Do you think she is better than Biden?




  1. When the Democrats get finished with her ....she will faint and claim she is Pregnant....again

  2. yes and yes!

  3. I see her as a mother, an ex beauty queen who has that wave down pat, an ex sports journalist, a wife and a person who has been governing one of the smallest states in the country for 21 months.

    I see her as being used by McCain and the Republican party and I pity her that she thinks she will be a maverick in McCain's administration should they succeed.  

    She doesn't have more experience than Biden or Obama, and she has never had to deal with tough issues because her state has resouces mainly due to big oil.

    I would never vote for McCain for this reason, because the reality of it is this:  McCain is 72 years old and I could never vote for him knowing that Palin would indeed be one step away from ruining this country even further.

  4. Nope, she isnt ready, not in a million years. Her Husband works for B.P. oil so thats what McCain wants, and to even out the age and have the plain folks appeal since she has children like Obama.

  5. Nickname 'barracuda' is well deserved. Sharp teeth, small brain, a lot of aggression - perfect republican and a good fit for dying imbecile. Not a smart VP choice , though.

  6. She has a record of cleaning out corrupt politicians from the government in Alaska.  I respect her very highly for her integrity in office.

    Biden is a lying SOB.  He should be afraid he will be one of the people who gets 'cleaned out'.

  7. I think she is ready to lead because as  a Governor, she is already commander-in-cheif of her state military and has state budget responsibilities. Many other responsibilities as well.

    I think the following says it all, check it out.

  8. Palin is a rigth wing nut case.

    Palin said "I know nothing about Iraq, I don't keep up with it".

    Biden knows about these things.

  9. Dangerous, ignorant and someone to avoid.

    Also not qualified.  

  10. Yes, but not as POTUS, keep her in Alaska.  She has less leadership experience than Jimmy Carter.

    NO. She would not make a better Vp or should it happen, POTUS than Biden.

    She was a political choice.  Chosen to attract women and the right-wing whackos.

  11. She is better than both the corrupt Obama and Biden.  She's actually had to make executive decisions.  Obama and Biden can vote present without a care their decisions are vital.

  12. Excellent choice, ready to lead better than Obama, Palin has PROVEN experience, Obama has none.

    Better than Biden, the 'old' Democrat light fixture has seen better days, so much for the CHANGE that Obama preached

    McCain Palin a WINNING ticket in 08  

  13. I find it FASCINATING that appx. NOBODY knew who this woman was before friday.....but they're positive she's ready to lead.

    Be careful jumping on a bangwagon so might get burned....soon ;)

    Vote Independent philosophy not phraseology---McCain ain't a maverick, Obama ain't change. There are more than 2 parties you know....

  14. I think McCain made a wise choice

    If she can lead the state of Alaska and have high approval ratings, I don't see why she can't lead the federal government

  15. She love's to hunt, fish and like's to eat moose stew. Also, she's hot as h**l. Almost, every man's dream girl.

  16. so far, so good, but I need to hear a lot more from her before making my decision.  I'll be watching the RNC closely.

  17. Well I only heard her do the one speech, and I like millions were impressed, she has a good reputation in Alaska, but I see some of the democrats on here are all ready ""seething over Sarah"" and diggin the dirt on her!!! She must be making everyone nervous, diggin the dirt, OK democrat's boogidy boogidy!!! start you shovels!!!!

  18. We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  19. If she’s only on the ticket to try to get disaffected Clinton supporters to cross over, it’s a bad choice. Joe Biden may already be practicing his drop-dead line for the vice-presidential debate: “I know Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a friend of mine, and governor, you’re no Hillary Clinton.”

  20. I think she's being used by McCain in a thinly-veiled attempt to win over undecided Clinton supporters. And I think it's offensive that he considers choosing a woman as running mate the best way to do that.

    I also think she is far from being VP material. If I had to choose between her and Obama for president, I would choose Obama any day because I consider a term in senate to be more qualification that a couple of years governing a sparsely-populated chunk of land. I don't think a self-proclaimed "hockey mom" with no more than a journalism BA should be in a position of unfathomable power. She simply isn't cut out for the job.

  21. air head, religious fanatic.

  22. She should pose for playboy

    i have a desire to see her naked

  23. I think she rocks and is ready to lead, she has been on the city council, mayor and Gov, three offices Obama's not held.  He's only been in the Senate less than 2 working years.  She is better than Biden on so many levels as she won't take away our rights to bear arms and is against abortion.

  24. She is not ready to lead.

    She represents a cynical decision by McCain, and is his judgment choose a woman who know little or nothing about Iraq, then he isn't fit to lead either.

    As for being a breath of fresh air -- nobody nicknamed barracuda has the ability to bring people together.

    No to Palin. No to McCain.  

  25. Yes (more ready to lead than Obama), and yes, she's better than Biden. She's a breath of fresh air.

  26. From what research I've done, I agree with at least 80% of her policy decisions. I'm not done researching yet.

    Is she ready to lead? Gov Palin has been leading in elected office in her state for the last 13 years. She has stood up to some pretty powerful people, exposed their corruption, and defeated them.

    Is she more ready than Biden? Truthfully, no. Gov Palin is more ready and more experienced than Obama. Perhaps the dems should flip their ticket: Biden for pres and Obama as his VP. That would give them a better chance.

  27. I'm impressed with her.  I don't think, I KNOW that she is ton's better than Biden.  Is she ready to lead?  Based on her meteoric rise, her passion and resolve to clean up corrupt government, I've got a strong hunch that she's a very quick study and would make an excellent leader.  Probably the best this country has ever seen.

    McCain / Palin 08 !!!!1

  28. No, she's just a redneck NRA chick.

  29. The following are not my words (see my source below), but they echo my opinion PERFECTLY:

    Think about what the Palin pick really says about how McCain views this campaign and how he views his potential responsibilities in national security.

    Think about what it says about the sincerity of McCain's own central criticism of Obama these past two months in foreign affairs.

    Think about how he picked a woman to be a heartbeat away from a war presidency who hadn't even thought much, by her own admission, about the Iraq war as late as 2007.

    Think about how he made this decision barely knowing the woman.

    Think about the fact that the most McCain could say about his potential war-time vice-president in foreign affairs and national security when selecting her is that she commanded Alaska's National Guard as governor and has a son in the military.

    Think about the men and women serving this country who have every right to trust that their potential commander-in-chief, whatever their party, would have some record of even interest in foreign policy before assuming office.

    Think about how the key factor in this decision was not who could defend this country were something dreadful happen to McCain in office but how to tread as much on Obama's convention bounce and use women's equality as a wedge issue among Democrats because it might secure a few points here or there. Oh, and everyone would be surprised. And even Rove would be annoyed.

    This is his sense of honor and judgment. This is his sense of responsibility and service.

    Here's the real slogan the McCain campaign should now adopt:

    Putting. Country. Last.

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