I don't want this to sound like I'd just be doing it because it was cool, but in reality I kind of love cars, and everything about them. I'd pretty much kill to know more. While I don't know much, I'd say I know a lot, for being a girl, that is. My friends always call me a dude for being so into all this. Anyway, one of my friends recently offered to teach me how, and while I've wanted to get into that scene ever since I learned how to drive a little over a year ago, I've been wary because if/when I do go to the track, I'd rather not have all the guys take one look at me and think 'girl plus car equals hot', and just not give me any respect or take me seriously, or just think that a girl driving and racing and drifting is totally wrong, or something negative like that. So what do you think? What's the truth here?