
What's your opinion on animal testing?

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I am totally against animal testing!You know I just can't stand the thought of it.I always use non animal tested products.Like this shampoo i'm using called nature's gate it like totally works better than all the other animal tested products.My moms very complicated about it.She always complains saying 'its too expensive'.I tell her 'so you'd rather use these products that were tested on poor defenslive animals?'. Hump i'm not afraid to be strict and serious to my mom about this stuff.To me these things are not a joke.




  1. lets just say that i would have a animal die rather than a peron.

  2. I am very against animal testing also, if there was a way to stop it, i would.

  3. I am against it, it does not make sense and is not needed.

  4. All animals are conscious beings, we all experience the world from a very unique viewpoint - our own. We all consider our own lives to be of the upmost importance and fear our own demise. We all feel pain and experience emotions, to some degree. Therefore we all have the right to our own lives, to be free from suffering and to be able to make our own choices. When humans take animals and torture and kill them against their will, that is denying them of their birth rights, the worst thing you can do to another living being. Animals are not there to be your breakfast, your entertainment, your hunting pleasure, your shoes, belt, hamburger *or your lab experiment*. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans anymore than black people were made for whites or women for men.

    The 'your child or your dog' threat is a false dilemma. With excellent alternatives available it can be both. With vivisection being such a barbaric and poor scientific method, both humans and non-humans suffer.

    Non-human animals are not good models for the human animal, and as drugs become more complex, the gap only widens. A psychological variable was found to be the polar opposite in mice and rats. If two species which appear so similar are so different in such subtle ways, how can we apply those findings to humans?

    Animal tested drugs have led to ill-health in many humans and also death. I can't remember the name of it now, but an animal tested Alzheimer's drug was released and killed thousands of people world-wide before being taken off the market and hushed up, all due to animal testing. An interesting study recently compared the validity of animal experiments to the flipping of a coin. Animal testing was about as good as complete guesswork... it takes so many experiments to build up even half-decent data, causing so much suffering and death.

    There are many alternatives available. I got a letter in the post today from the Dr. Hadwen Trust for non-animal medical research detailing new computer simulation methods and ways of cloning non-aware human tissue to test on. These methods have been proven to be far more effective than vivisection, but testing on animals is cheap and most scientists just want to make a quick buck.

    Vivisection is an out-dated and cruel practise, and the death count (for non-humans AND humans) will only rise until people wake up and say no to medical vivisection.

    Of course, testing on animals for cosmetics and toiletrees is equally and more obviously completely immoral. Rabbits are having nasty chemicals poured into their eyes every minute just for another uneccesary brand of cleaning fluid.

    There are non-animal tested products out there, certified by organisations such as the BUAV. Just look for their logo on products if you want to reduce the demand for animal testing to stop the abuse.

    Animals are ALWAYS subjected to pain in experiments and

    NO animals are neccesary when alternatives are available.

  5. I am not against animal testing for drugs and medical procedures.  Anyone that is should go and tell some cancer patients that they want them to die to save some rats.

    There is no way to do the controlled experiments that take place at the early stages of drug development without having purpose bred subjects.  They need to have known genetic background and medical history.  You can't use prisoners because there are too many variables in their backgrounds.  And the only place that would even concider doing it is China.  Testing on Falun Gong members and Tibeten disidents is worse than testing on animals in my opinion.

  6. I agree with you. Animal testing is cruel and should be illegal. Companies are not required by law to test their products on animals, and more than 600 companies have chosen to only use non-animal testing methods.

    "Method" products are great -- they company is strongly against animal testing and the products are pretty cheap (available at Target). Unfortunately my mom is the same way. She buys whatever is in front of her and doesn't care whether it was tested on animals.

    I also oppose animal experimentation. Experimenting on animals is a scientifically invalid practice because data from animal studies cannot be reliably applied to humans. Human and nonhuman animals are very different physiologically, metabolically, anatomically, genetically and psychologically. Since animals are different from humans in these significant ways, they make inaccurate models for studying human disease. Animal research sidetracks medical progress and wastes time, talent and resources.

  7. This is not a question just for Vegans or vegetarians, most people in the country will be united against animal testing. Over 99% of the population are meat eaters but they will also be against animal testing. I'm speaking of the UK. It will not be the same in many other countries.

  8. I am very much against animal testing for products such as cosmetic and cleaning materials, and I am against animal experimentation for its own sake.

    As someone who owes her life to animal-tested drugs though, I am not convinced that there are more reliable ways to test drugs. I wish there were, but I'm not convinced, and it is too simplistic to argue that animals are not physically the same as us or that some drugs that have been found safe in animals have proved unsafe for humans. Most medical advances would not have taken place without animal testing.

    I'm vegan to minimise my personal contribution to animal suffering and exploitation as much as I can, but I value human life way, way over animal life. Including my own - I recently read of a drug that may reduce or prevent metastasis of the cancer I had, and am now in remission from. It was described as at 'the mouse stage'. If it ever proves effective and I'm still around, I certainly won't be boycotting it - anyone else who wants first place in the line  will have to fight me for it.

  9. I think animal testing is disgusting and cruel. It shouldn't even be legal. I'm using a brand called St. Ives and that's really good and not tested on animals.  

  10. Animals should never be tested on when there are millions of violent criminals who could take their place. Besides, testing on humans would give a much more accurate description then testing on a dog.

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