
What's your opinion on children being exposed to horror decor?

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I have a collection of various horror figures and posters... I'd like to hang the posters up, but I'm a bit concerned over the effect they might have on my 3 year old son....

The figures aren't that big of a deal because they're not gory and look like regular action figures. Plus they're on a high shelf and he can't really see them anyway. The posters on the other hand are rather large. I'm not too concerned about 2 of them because they're not graphic. But I have a Mother's Day poster that's a bit graphic in a cartoonish kinda way. It depicts a drawn, severed head in a box... I was thinking about placing a piece of paper over the drawing, just to tone it down a bit. What do you guys think?

And NO, my son DOESN'T watch horror movies and he isn't exposed to graphic violence...




  1. It doesn't really sound any different to Halloween costumes or decor, and no-one would seriously suggest that Halloween (the event, not the movie!) was unsuitable for children.

    I've seen the artwork for Mother's Day and it really is very tame. Your son is going to see worse things in Tom and Jerry cartoons.

    I personally think you're worrying a bit too much and are being overprotective. It's not as if you're decorating your walls with stills from Hostel and Cannibal Holocaust! Hopefully you can gradually introduce your son to horror movies as he gets older and maybe in time he will become a horror fan too.

  2. I grew up with it.

    I'm fine.

    I'm a straight A student looking at colleges and have been on championship atheletic teams.

    If you expose us to it from the start, we're fine, and more prepared for the future.

    Withdrawl from these things hurts more.

  3. I honestly think its fine. It not going to like...make him want to kill people.

  4. I collect movie masks and posters and such.

    I run a Halloween store every year so I get a lot of cool stuff.

    I am about to have a baby boy.

    I plan on just exposing him to everything since he is little so he doesn't think much of it.

    I grew up watching horror movies but I don't think his father will want him to be exposed to them like I was. If I were you just expose him to it and don't make a big deal about it. If he doesn't think its a big deal then he won't realize that its "bad" ya know?

    I hope I helped.

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